Image courtesy of Canada Free Press
As of Thursday’s arraignment and subsequent guilty plea, President Trump is now facing a total of 78 charges. If convicted on all of them, he would face centuries of prison time.
Meanwhile, those who colluded and conspired to commit election fraud in 2016 and 2020 continue to have zero consequences for their actions to thwart the will of the American people and steal their votes. Ironic, isn’t it?
Just another day in Brandon’s America.
Assuming Biden’s Clown World handlers don’t cause the extinction of the human race with their idiocy (brinkmanship with both Putin and Xi at the same time? Seriously?), one wonders what historians will say about this age. Will they grasp the depth and breadth of the hatred his enemies hold for Donald J. Trump and his supporters? Will those historians understand not just the ‘whos’ but the ‘whys’ behind that hate? And what will they make of those haters?
In Beyond MAGA, I listed the more prominent groups that oppose President Trump, his America First policies and the MAGA movement. These Enemies Domestic—for make no mistake, that is exactly what they are—are described in this excerpt from Chapter 4, “MAGA Enemies”:
“Obviously, we will see more and more public attacks against President Trump, MAGA candidates for office, and MAGA Patriots in general from the Usual Suspects of the Enemies Domestic who wish to bring America to her knees. The relationships between these groups are complicated and often fluid. Some of them share considerable overlap in membership, especially as their goals of the moment overlap. Some of them are neutral or apathetic towards each other. For some, their relationship varies between antipathy and outright hatred. Nonetheless, they are united in the single-minded pursuit of a common goal: the destruction of that Great America envisioned by Donald J. Trump and his base.
“Some of these most visible of the Usual Suspects include:
The Sufferers of the Sins of the Father
The Angsty Academics and the Irate Intelligentsia
The Screeching Socialists and the Pontificating Progressives
The Status Quo Deep Staters
The NGO Zombies
The Neo-Clowns of the Empire of Eternal War
The Globalist Ghouls
The Tech Lords of the Interwebz
And of course, the Uniparty Establishment
“The Suffers of the Sins of the Father are those who devoutly believe the version of history presented in the 1619 Project. According to their Marxist-derived dogma, America is forever tainted by the Original Sin of slavery and its sequela, systemic racism. No matter what has been done to rectify this, the stain of slavery will never be removed from the nation (but a huge cash payout would be nice). Destroying America, by escalating racial tension and stigmatizing “whiteness”, is to their way of thinking the only possible course of action. That there might be reasons other than systemic racism for the failure of certain ethnic groups to do as well as others is an unspeakable heresy. That Trump’s economic policies benefited blacks, as well as whites, is a mere distraction, if not an outright lie to the Sufferers.
“The Angsty Academics and the Irate Intelligentsia and their fellow travelers outside the Ivory Towers, the Screeching Socialists and the Pontificating Progressives, are those highly-(over)educated Marx-loving Elites who are upset that the rest of the nation not only fails to realize their obvious superiority but refuses to let them dictate every facet of their lives. Whether they are Fabianist followers, frustrated Frankfurters, or the inventors of their own unique idiot-ology, they are angry that their utopian schemes haven’t been implemented. Or, their plans have been tried, and failed miserably, as Marxian schemes always do. They are far gone into the Destructionist Stage of their millenarian intellectual movement(s). Fortunately for them, their shame at having their lovely theories repudiated by cold, unfeeling reality has a ready target—it becomes rage at that evil man Trump and his equally evil MAGA people. Faced with either admitting to themselves they might have been wrong or burning the country to the ground, they’ve chosen the psychologically easy path—burn it all down!
“The Status Quo Deep Staters are those tens of thousands of bureaucrats who were directly threatened by President Trump’s Schedule F Executive Order. Faced with the very real possibility that they might actually have to be accountable for their work performance, they no doubt worked hard in 2020 to see Trump defeated. Since Second-Term (Third Win) Trump will undoubtedly pursue Schedule F vigorously as part of an overall plan to Drain the Swamp, their ongoing resistance to any MAGA candidate can be assumed.
“Similarly, the Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) Zombies are deeply invested in the status quo. A sprawling collection of think tanks, nonprofits, and charitable trusts centered around the wealth of the Capital, they exist to move money in and out, push and pull policy and in general see to it that the government always grows. The general MAGA objective of shrinking government and reducing its influence on everyone’s daily lives makes the NGOs MAGA’s natural enemies.
“The Neo-Clowns of the Empire of Eternal War and the Globalist Ghouls have spent decades replacing the British Empire with the American Empire. Presently, they have imposed a proxy war with Russia (and possibly China—they never think small) on America and Europe, and are working towards their Great Reset. They desire nothing less than complete domination of the world, by any means necessary. Listen to what the Elites say at gatherings of the World Economic Forum, or read the policies that seem to flow so endlessly from Davos or the minds of the Council on Foreign Relations or Trilateral Commission. They have passed the point of bothering to conceal their plans from the plebes they intend to rule over. Donald Trump’s remarkable record of being the only President in many years to NOT start a war while in office is a direct affront to their sensibilities and to the Military-Industrial Complex’s profits. Their resistance to his America First policy then, now and in the future can be taken as a given.
“Aside from their liberal bent, the Tech Lords of the Interwebz hate and despise Donald Trump because he seized one of their platforms and used it to mercilessly troll their Lefty users all the way to the White House. He showed them up and mocked them and their friends while doing it. That Lefties can’t meme worth a damn was just icing on the cake for those on the Right, and using the Tech Lord’s own tools to spread them (and make snowflakes melt down on a regular basis) continues to irritate them no end. Because of this, the Tech Lords and their Deep State allies, especially Daddy Zuckerbucks, were actively involved in “fortifying” the 2020 election, and steps were taken to do the same in 2022 (and probably 2024). The rise of alternate platforms—Gab, GETTR, Truth Social and FrankSpeech, specifically—to directly compete with the Tech Lords only assures their continued animosity towards any and all conservatives, especially MAGA users.
“Finally, we come to the One Big Uniparty Establishment. As has been said, “it’s a big club, and you ain’t in it.” Regardless of the letters attached to their names, a large number of our “leaders” have much more in common with each other than they ever did with the people who elected them. For some, this was their initial goal in seeking high office. For others, the corrosive nature of the Washington atmosphere has taken what were initially honest (well, as far as politicians go) men and women and corrupted them. Perhaps it’s prolonged exposure to all that marble that changes their brains? Who can say? Whatever the reason(s), it’s obvious—between the Democrats and the RINOs and Never-Trumpers, it’s clear that President Trump and MAGA Patriots have precious few friends inside the Washington Beltway.
“The ongoing attacks on President Trump and MAGA Patriots from our Enemies Domestic have only one true purpose: to stop the man and the movement from restoring the Constitutional Republic envisioned by the Founders of this great nation. Whatever their stated reasons, motivations, and excuses, the enemies of MAGA desire nothing less than the destruction of these United States. That said destruction also entails destroying those of us who still believe in silly old ideas like Truth, Justice, and “the American Way” is to them a feature, not a bug.
“The Enemies Domestic want to tear down the original meaning and intent of the Constitution and the just laws it supports. They want to unwind the Declaration of Independence, eliminating those unalienable rights, endowed by the Creator, which this government was created to secure. They want to undo the radical notion that a People can choose to govern themselves directly, without a divine chain of authority flowing down through princes or prelates, and without needing the permission of their betters in the Ruling Class.
“They want to erase from the world any memory of a great nation of self-governing People, and the incredible things that nation was able to do because those People chose to do great things.
“They want to destroy the idea of America—“that shining city on the hill”, that “torch that enlightens the entire world”. They are determined that the very concept of a government of, by, and for the People shall utterly perish from this earth.“
And now, in addition to all these groups, President Trump is facing the overwhelming, crushing weight of a full-weaponized Department of Injustice. It has to be driving the Regime out of their (alleged) minds that the more they pile on the lawfare, the more Trump’s supporters rally around him, as I recently discussed.
Here’s a valid question: where are the Republicans in Congress? Aside from committee hearings, what has actually been done? Sound bites are cheap—where are those Holman rule cuts? When will this (allegedly) Republican House yank the fiscal choke chain? We all realize Kevin McCarthy gave away the farm with the budget deal—did he talk about this with his buds Paul Ryan & Jeb¡ at the last Bohemian Grove? Rumor has it Kev was bullish about Trump winning the nomination, but was he supportive of the idea, or just reminding the other attendees of what the polls are saying? I can’t see Paulie, Jeb¡ or Kev looking forward to Trump 47—can you?
Yes, I inverted the ! after Jeb. It’s trying to slink away in shame, even after all this time. Poor !, Jeb Bush’s tarnish still lingers.
Congressional inaction notwithstanding, millions continue to stand with President Trump. Here’s one of the best examples I saw from Thursday’s madness (link here, screenshot below):
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The Marxist democrats will be indicting Trump long after he is dead and gone. CNN will be talking about Trump every 5 minutes even after he is dead. If Trump is guilty of 78 charges, then The Dummy is guilty of 1,780.
Well stated.....again. So many quote worthy statements here. Thank you!