Appealing my Suspension from X
Will our hero prevail? Or will the forces of evil and censorship compel him to more actively use alternative, truly free speech platforms?
As you probably know, last Saturday evening I plopped down in the recliner for a few minutes of neuron-withering relaxation and time wasting, surfing the Interwebz on social media, when suddenly…
Cue Dramatic pipe organ music
…I discovered that I’d been permanently suspended from X!
Cue more dramatic pipe organ music; lightening flashes, thunder booms
Naturally I appealed, and the next day received an obviously automated response saying basically “reply to this email to appeal, blah blah blah, don’t call us we’ll call you.
I didn’t reply right away, but let it percolate for a few days until I had more time to address it appropriately, review X’sRules, etc. This is what I sent last evening as my response:
I have reviewed the X rules throughly, and I do not believe I have violated them in any significant way.
I am not a bot—I am a real, live human being. I due process posts quickly, I have a high IQ, significant ADD and a high reading speed. I also tend to reply to many posts with similar responses, as most of them merit only a sigh, a facepalm, or simple agreement. These factors, in combination, may have mislead the algorithm or some employee into believing me a bot.
I was preparing to purchase the “blue check” when I discovered, with no prior caution or warning, my suspension. In fact, the site continues to offer this to me despite being “permanently suspended”, but I see no need to pay good money for a suspended account.
I do not intentionally spam anyone. I will, as appropriate, provide a link to my own written or video work which is a commentary on those particular posts. If I’ve already written a topical response or created a topical video, it is more logical and efficient to provide these rather than “reinventing the wheel.” The choice to click on these, or mere to scroll past them, is completely at the discretion of the user.
As I said in my initial request for restoring my account:
“Apparently I’ve been suspended. What, exactly was this for? Without knowing what I was suspended for, I cannot mount an effective appeal.
Was it for using words some find offensive? Possibly hurting someone’s feelings? Expressing an unpopular, non-approved opinion?
To truly be free, speech that offends or outrages must be allowed. Otherwise, we can only parrot what our rulers wish us to say.
Please provide the actual item(s) that caused me to be suspended, and why, so that I may respond.”
Again, I would ask to be provided with the specific post(s) that resulted in my permanent suspension, if any, along with an explanation as to just how, exactly, the post(s) violated X’s Terms of Service, as necessary. Otherwise, how am I to address any specific issue(s) with any degree of accuracy?
My impression at this time is that X’s Rules, as well as CEO Yaccarino’s statement that X is committed to “reducing hateful content” and “encouraging healthy behavior online” while effectively shadowbanning “lawful but awful” posts are rather vague and imprecise. (
Who or what, exactly, defines what X considers “hateful”, “healthy” or “awful” speech? Is this not, by its very nature, highly subjective? If it is done by an algorithm, does this algorithm not reflect not only the overt, stated goals but also the innate, often unconscious biases of the programmers—as has been so recently seen with Chat GPT and other AIs? What is offensive to one may be completely dull and ho-hum to another. Just as one example, consider Lilienfield’s work involving Negative Emotionality (NE), a “pervasive temperamental disposition to experience aversive emotions of many kinds, including anxiety...hostility, irritability, and perceived victimization” that leads high NE persons to be judgmental, (hyper)vigilant, and to interpret ambiguous stimuli in a negative way. (Lilienfeld, S. O. (2017). Microaggressions: Strong claims, inadequate evidence. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 12(1), 138-169)
I ask this as much for informational purposes and my own curiosity as for any other reason. I suppose it’s possible my post(s) may have offended someone. As a Psychiatrist, I am well aware of the high prevalence of high-NE persons in modern society—many more than at any other time in my life. However, I am also aware that one is not and can not be responsible for another’s emotional state. As is said, “that’s on you” to manage your own emotions while I’m responsible for managing mine. Yes, it’s true that modern political correctness, “wokeness” and the official Narrative attempt to turn this basic psychological principle on its head—that doesn’t make it any less true, as should be obvious.
In conclusion, I am NOT a bot or an AI. I do not believe I have violated X’s Rules in any significant way, certainly not in such a way as to merit a permanent ban without any previous warning. I believe I was “permanently suspended” from X erroneously and would like to request that my account be restored expeditiously.
I am, of course, willing to prove my flesh and blood, meat sack existence if necessary. I am also more than happy to address any specific concerns or questions you may have.
I strongly support free speech, and applaud X and Elon Musk for the great potential the platform represents. I look forward to the speedy restoration of my account.
Thank you for your prompt attention in this matter,
Doc Contrarian
I suspect it’ll be at least a few days before I hear back. I’m hoping this is another “we thought you were a bot, so sorry, here’s your account back” situation. If so, fine, these things happen. If not…well, let’s not go borrowing trouble just yet.
I will keep you all posted, and I’m still on Gab, GETTR, TruthSocial and Rumble.
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