Donald Trump's Water Cooler Problem
The President's continued support of the jab is not winning him any votes.
#DiedSuddenly has been trending on Twitter recently. It comes and goes, but it’s not a surprise to anyone to see it go up and down the rankings.
Young, healthy people, “Suddenly” dying. Athletes, fashion models, fathers, mothers, sons, daughters. The young ones are the most shocking, but it doesn’t stop there.
Fatal heart attacks in Australia were up 18% in the first eight months of 2022. In Germany, death rates were 19% higher in December 2022 than the average values of previous years. Nine months after the COVID vaccines rolled out, birth rates around the globe dropped significantly. The CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) data shows significant perturbations of the female reproductive system.
An examination of Pfizer’s internal documents has revealed that the company knew that miscarriage was a potentially serious side effect of their mRNA product, but the company labeled the loss of a child during pregnancy as an adverse event that was “resolved” or “recovered”. Oh, well; so long as it was resolved, that’s okay. Isn’t it?
The CDC’s own data shows that nearly 120,000 young people died by October 2022 following the rollout of the COVID vaccines. And yet, the CDC continues to actively push the vaccine. Because all of the #DiedSuddenly, miscarriages, myocarditis, strokes, neurological problems, cancer recurrences, and even AIDS-like illnesses are totally not from the jabs. Well, maybe a few cases of myocarditis, but the rest? Climate change, or cold showers, or it’s just “stroke season”. That’s our Narrative and we’re sticking to it!
Let’s ignore the fact that DoD documents show a shocking lack of clinical and manufacturing standards for these jabs. I’m sure that the $22.28 million Big Pharma spent lobbying Congress in 2022 or all the “encouraging” they did with the Biden administration and Twitter had nothing to do with the lack of interest in what the data was showing those who cared enough to look. After all, it’s not like they changed the definition of “vaccine” or anything, is it? Oh, wait; they did.
They promised “safe and effective” but what we got was “sudden and unexpected”, largely ineffective and deathly toxic in a significant number of cases.
None of this is a surprise to people who are reading this here. Substack may be the only platform that’s largely escaped the attention of Big Pharma and GovHealth this far. That #DiedSuddenly keeps trending on Elon’s Twitter tells me that the rest of the world is starting to catch on. With 28% of Americans telling Rasmussen just a few weeks ago that they knew someone who died from the COVID vaccine, it’s obvious that the wheels have already come off “the COVID vaccines safe and effective” narrative.
That’s why Donald J. Trump has a Water Cooler problem.
Last week President Trump called into David Brody’s The Water Cooler show (clip here) and refused to be drawn out when the host suggested the Warp Speed-produced jabs weren’t as “safe and effective” as we’ve been told. The President was justly proud of his administration’s response to the pandemic, including Operation Warp Speed. But, he minimized the adverse events associated with the jabs, calling them “relatively small numbers”.
That comment did NOT go over well.
It’s safe to say that Mr. Trump lost a few votes from that one radio call-in. It was an unforced error, a gaffe like we’d expect from Joe Biden—not Donald J. Trump. Yes, it was that bad, and it’s getting worse.
As word has spread around water coolers, in break rooms, on social media and everywhere else, more people are starting to rethink their support for Trump in 2024. The anti-vax, anti-mandate crowd are some of Trump’s most ardent supporters. While he did remind Mr. Brody that he opposed mandates, President Trump’s other comments were perceived as a direct slight against those who’ve resisted the jabs despite considerable pressure to just “get vaccinated”.
After two years of verbal abuse and worse, the data is vindicating the “anti-vax nuts” in a YUGE way. Here on Substack Steve Kirsch, Dr. Robert Malone, the FLCCC Alliance and a host of others are doing the raw number-crunching and basic surveillance the CDC and FDA should have been doing. Their conclusions are inescapable.
Big Pharma screwed up, big time. Fauci et. al. lied. People have died, are dying, and will continue to die by the thousands upon thousands because of their actions. Most importantly, did Pfizer (and Moderna, Fauci and all the rest) know this would happen? It seems they did, and they knew it fairly early on.
As I’ve asked before: What did Pfizer know and when did they know it?
That may be the single most important question this Congress will address.
The House is investigating the origins of COVID, and I have high hopes they’ll go further (as Rep. Marjorie Taylor Green seems willing to do). We need the Coronavirus Subcommittee to look into the development, testing, approval, use and promotion of the “vaccine”, including the now-obvious risks and dubious benefits. Senators Ron Johnson and Rand Paul have already done great work on this in the Senate. Had the Senate gone Republican I have no doubt they’d be doing even more. But, for now, the House will have to carry that water.
I’ve previously discussed why President Trump can’t be blamed for the Jabpocalypse, but that only goes so far. Yes, Operation Warp Speed was a great idea in theory (as I’ve said). Yes, Fauci, Birx and others gave Trump horrible advice and council. Yes, the goal—to stop what was by all indications a once-a-century plague—was admirable. Yes, the jabs Pfizer, Moderna and J&J actually gave us are turning out to be far, far worse than the disease—and it looks like they knew (or at least suspected) this early on, and pushed it on us anyway.
President Trump has to be aware of this data. If he’s not, he needs to have a serious talk with the people who brief him on medical and scientific issues, like, yesterday. Last week would be better.
Even those of us who firmly support him and his 2024 campaign (myself included) are wondering why he said what he said on The Water Cooler. Why does he continue to support the jab on the face of overwhelming evidence that it doesn’t deserve that support?
Political Moonshine has theorized that President Trump is playing the long game. His continued endorsement of the vaccines is a “tactic and maneuver relative to enterprise fraud and the compartmentalization of culpability” for those responsible. The speculation is that Trump is boxing in the complicit entities with an eye towards revealing and ultimately prosecuting them. Even so, his actions are regarded as politically poor and potentially damaging.
I can’t say that Political Moonshine is wrong. Certainly their work on the COVID pandemic (>350 articles and scads of infographics) is some of the best I’ve seen—highly recommend, btw. It’s possible Trump is indeed planning a huge surprise and reveal against the ones responsible for so much death and destruction. I certainly would like to think this is the case, but I just can’t see the logic in going this far at such a high political cost.
It’s not like President Trump doesn’t have enough other things on his plate right now. The Georgia Attorney General has decided to bring a RICO suit against him for attempting to “overturn” (i.e., get an accurate count of legal ballots) the 2020 election. This just ads to the other ongoing lawfare attempts to block his 2024 candidacy. The Usual Suspects of Cuckservative Inc. are already lining up to block Trump from the 2024 nomination, and that fight’s just beginning. DeSantis, Scott, Haley…all of them have vipers whispering in their ears that they could be The One to bring “Trumpism without Trump” to the 2024 Republican convention.
No, as much as I would like to believe that Trump is crafting an escape-proof trap for the vast network of grifters, charlatans and purely evil characters responsible for all the damage done to us in the name of Health and Safety, I just can’t see it. Neither can others I’ve spoken to these last few days. The general consensus is that this is purely Trump’s ego not letting him admit that he was snookered by the very people he trusted to do the job he gave them.
If that’s the case, it’s painful. He won’t want to admit it. No one would. None of us likes to admit that we’ve been played, but it happens to us all. The best—the only—way to deal with it is to accept it, admit it, fix it and move on. The President can do that, and regain the support and confidence of the millions who support him, and perhaps a few more. Best of all, he can do it in a way that preserves any plans that he’s laid for the perpetrators of the horrors of the jabs.
So, what would I advise President Trump to do? That’s almost too easy. Have his people spend a couple of hours going through the names and links in this piece, then start making calls and sending emails. Bring a small group of people—doctors, researchers, patients—to Mar-A-Lago and listen to real numbers and real-world experiences. Senator Ron Johnson’s whistleblowers are good examples of who the President needs to hear from personally. Learn from honest experts what’s really going on, and have a press conference afterward to tell the world what he’s learned and how it’s changed his opinion on the jabs.
In other words, demonstrate true leadership. Show America that he’s strong enough to change his mind, then own that change.
This isn’t the time to pull a Joe Biden with his “no regrets” about “misfiling” top secret documents because “there’s nothing there”. This isn’t the time to push a narrative that’s already been blown out of the water by raw facts. This is absolutely not the time to rely on any government alphabets for cover, because there’s too much evidence of their complicity and corruption for that to work.
Joe Biden is a weak leader, #Garagegate being just the most recent example. Donald J. Trump is a strong leader, and now it’s time for him to do what strong leaders do—lead.
Trump didn’t create an experimental gene therapy and change the definition of “vaccine” to make it fit. He didn’t hide, fudge, cherry-pick or flatly ignore data about harmful effects and less than acceptable efficacy or benefits. He didn’t insist on mandates or threaten people’s livelihoods to make them take it…and take a booster…and then boost some more. He relied on ‘experts’ to give him honest advice, but his ‘experts’ failed him and this nation. That’s the reality of the situation, and it needs to be acknowledged.
The next President will have to face the ongoing fallout from the pandemic. Donald Trump has said he wants to be that next President. Shouldn’t he be working on a plan to address what the jabs have done to our people?
At this point, I can only hope that President Trump will be briefed by honest investigators, scientists and physicians who will show him the real data on the jab, the excess deaths, and the toxicity of the spike protein itself without the personal agendas and financial incentives of his old “experts”.
Then, hopefully he’ll understand why so many people are unhappy that he’s still touting the jab so hard. He can still have their support, but he’s got to stop bragging about an experimental genetic therapy (because that’s what it is) that’s killed or injured uncounted millions around the globe.
Will Trump allow himself to be convinced about what the jabs are really doing to his fellow Americans? We’ll have to wait and see.
Follow @DocContrarian on Twitter, Gab, GETTR and Truth Social.
Must find a way to get through to him; I’ve posted things on his TruthSocial & even on some of those closest to him about some mistakes (or about to be mistakes). Don’t have clubs if any hit the mark.