Election 2024: Possibilities and Predictions
If we have anything approaching an accurate count of legal ballots, Trump will win. My fear is that not only will we not have that, but we’ll be mired in controversy and chaos for weeks to come.
November 5, 2024–I have a friendly wager going about the Presidential Election. My friend says the Trump landslide will be so massive that it’ll be called for Trump by midnight. I say it’s going to be a complete and total fustercluck as the Dems frantically try to steal it just like they did in 2020. There’ll be fraud, interference, fake ballots, lost ballots, found ballots, rejected ballots, not enough ballots, mysterious “accidents” causing polling places to close, fake “officials” turning people away—and that’s just before the polls close.
Once the polls close, the Dems will once again do everything they can to block or eject Republican count watchers—remember the covered-up windows?—pull out more suitcases full of ballots for multiple scanning, shred or burn as many Trump ballots as they can, and open up the boxes of pre-printed Kamala ballots. Pennsylvania has taken the lead in prepping us to not know the results for “several days” as they scramble to count so they know how many fake ballots they have to “find” for Kamala to win.
Then the lawyers will descend, the pre-positioned Antifa/BLM/Trans activists/Abortion Rights mobs will start their “spontaneous demonstrations” and “mostly peaceful protests” for “justice” (or whatever—they won’t care and neither will I—the Fed Alphabet Stasi will begin actively ignoring them while looking for people wearing MAGA hats to persecute, and the fun will really begin.
At this point it’s not a question of “Will the Blue Cities burn?” but “Which Blue Cities will burn, and in what order?” The Lumpenproletariat will want their dopamine fix, and the Democrat leaders will be all too happy to have the distraction. Lenin would understand completely. After all, it’s his playbook they’re using…again.
Note to self: stop by grocery store after voting and get more popcorn, chips and dip.
If we’re lucky, the Burn Loot Mobs will be focused on new sneakers and flatscreens, and Antifa will start a slap-fest with the Trans & Abortion Rights crews over who hates Trump worse. If we’re not that lucky, some 400 lb. pink-haired genderqueer androgyne with multiple piercings and facial tattoos (pronouns: quaz/quazzer) will start chanting “Nazi MAGA Squirrels Must Die” in front of a counter-crowd in MAGA hats and Peanut the Squirrel shirts.
When that crowd hoists the Trump flags, racks their 2nd Amendment support devices and yells “For Peanut, MAGA and Trump!” you’ll know it’s time to either get out of the way or join the charge.
Note to self #2: have spare battery pack for phone in pocket. The Revolution will be live-streamed!
If we’re really lucky, the “mostly peaceful” property damage will be limited to the Blue City urban areas while the various courts rule, are appealed, then appealed again until the SCOTUS finally settles things.
Then, assuming we have a halfway decent count of the legal ballots and Trump is the clear winner, we can only hope the Democrats in the House get a clue and don’t try to pull a 14th and/or 25th Amendment challenge to Trump’s second term. I know, I know; that’s asking for the moon—people like Raskin and Pelosi are terrified that Trump 47 will do to them what they’ve done to him—but maybe somebody will explain to them that starting another Revolution won’t go well for them, either.
I really, really hope I’m wrong. I truly won’t mind losing this bet—I’ll gladly buy my friend his cup of coffee. Unfortunately, I see too many potential Black Swan points in a country that’s been pushed too close to the brink by our Glorious Leaders. Worst of all, our Glorious Leaders don’t seem to know or care just how close to a Concord Bridge, Fort Sumter, Bastille or Sarajevo shooting moment we really are.
I worry because all of the madness I’ve described was either used in 2020, has been documented in this election, is a typical Democratic play, or been publicly announced as plans in place. Okay, I did make up the quaz/quazzer pronouns, but nothing else.
And the worst part? I don’t think this is what people were feeling in the 13 Colonies in 1775.
I’m afraid this is more like Paris, 1789.
“Vive la révolution!” is not how our elections are supposed to end. Now, if only somebody would tell the Democrats…
Follow Doc Contrarian everywhere or contact him by email from his AllMyLinks page, where you can also find his Amazon #1 book Beyond MAGA.
The Marxist democrats were extremely successful in stealing the 2020 election. There is no way they won't do it again. They have had another 4 years to perfect their methods and escape any objections from the spineless retardicans. Maybe the election results wind up in the courts and that means it's lights out.