If Brandon Go Boom…President Kamala?
Aaaaaand… Cue screaming. BUT, there is a way out for the Dems!
Update 10/2/23: so it seems that CA Gov Gavin Newsom will appoint Maryland resident and pro-baby killing political operative Laphonza Butler to fill Feinstein’s seat. One wonders just how much of a fix went in on this arrangement.
That being said, the Dem’s dilemma remains exactly as described below: how to dump Kamala before Joe fall down, go boom! When self-professed Biden-lover Bill Maher says Joe shouldn’t run—labeling him “Ruth Bader Biden”—you know it’s over for Joe. And when Barack was asked if Michelle is running, we get nothing. Hmm.
At any rate, this should have gone up on social media yesterday (Sunday), but since I was “permanently suspended” from X on Saturday night, I wasn’t feeling terribly social yesterday. More to come on that later.
But, here’s the post which went out to subscribers Sunday AM:
Let me go on the record with this prediction: Joe Biden will NOT be the Democratic nominee in 2024. Neither will Kamala Harris.
I know that’s not exactly the most daring of predictions, but there it is. Now, when it comes to pass, I can brag about my amazing psychotic psychic powers, and you can all pretend to be amazed. Or not, knowing some of you.
Biden is a disaster by any metric you care to name. Foreign policy. Economic policy. Domestic policy. Fail, Fail, Epic Fail. At this point, the House’s feeble Impeachment Inquiry into the massive heap of corruption that is the Biden family is almost superfluous.
Don’t get me wrong, he definitely needs to be impeached, but I wouldn’t have started with the bribery, extortion, influence-peddling and money laundering. I’d have started with the invasion at the southern border, gotten him tossed out for that (along with his worse-than-useless Homeland Security Secretary), and then brought him to trial for the bribery etc. etc. once he no longer had the protection of the Presidency. Or in his case, Residency.
Sadly, he’s so far gone at this point that there’s no way he’s competent to stand trial. The best that could be hoped for is a commitment for life to a secure medical facility. Who knows? Maybe he and Ron Jeremy could share a cell?
Biden is visibly declining, almost by the day. He’s now stumbling down the short stairs on Air Force One, the longer stairs being abandoned by his staff weeks ago. There’s a concerted effort by his staff to minimize his fall risk, including sneakers or boots instead of dress shoes whenever possible. It’s the rare event these days where he doesn’t shuffle around like he’s lost, or wander off prematurely, despite the staff’s best efforts.
Not even the best of staff could prevent him from going off on an automaker who challenged him this past week, and his temper has been getting shorter as his term progresses. Knowing a bit about dementia, especially in the later stages, I’d say it’s a virtual certainty these episodes will come more and more frequently, especially since I suspect he’s being dosed with psychostimulants to keep him propped up and semi-functional.
Is he getting Ritalin? Adderall? Provigil? Good old Dexadrine? Some other, similar compound? Doesn’t really matter, because every dose he’s getting is likely burning neurons (it’s a glutamate thing, I have the references if you actually care) and at this point ol’ Joe doesn’t have any neurons to spare. I’ve got no evidence that a stimulant is what’s in those “pills” Dr. Jill is reported to give him before appearances, but those are the most likely ones I know of. There’s not much telling what kind of magic pills the White House has access to—for all we know they could be slipping him Captagon on the side!
FYI, Captagon—the “jihad pill” is illegal in the US, not that it matters to the Bidens. It’s not real common here yet. Operative word: Yet.
It’s also a question of “when” not “if” he’ll take a tumble and suffer a serious injury. Subdural hematoma and fractured hip are the two most likely to put him out of the Oval Office, but certainly not the only possibilities. And then, we’ll have…President Kamala.
Aaaaaand… Cue screaming.
Kamala’s favorability ratings are even lower than Joe’s, if you can believe it. For months now, she’s been the main reason Joe hasn’t been 25th’d out—NOBODY want’s President Kamala, especially the Democrats who are desperate to keep the White House in 2024. As a standard bearer, Kamala might even be worse than a wheelchair- or sickbed-bound Biden. And if Joe comes out of a subdural bleed or hip screw more demented than he is now (as is all too likely, neither of those being kind to old brains), Kamala would have the incumbent right of dibs on the nomination. Gavin Newsome could primary her, of course, but that would put him squarely at odds with the Dem’s whole “intersectionality” mantra, and that wouldn’t sit well with their necessary core constituents.
This is truly the stuff that Democrat nightmares are made of.
Now, though, Diane Feinstein’s death has given the Dems a semi-graceful way out of this bind. Newsom has painted himself in a corner by swearing that he’ll only appoint a Black woman who’s not running for the seat to the position. Naturally, that hasn’t set well with some who want the seat.
So much for that old “judge by the content of their character” drek! It’s all about skin color, and gender, and identity, and…and…and. Who’s got the most privilege points? Who’s the best token? What do you mean, competence? We have to be DIVERSE and INCLUSIVE! Now go find me an Inuit non-binary multigender demiaroace transfemasc lesbian genderfawn toot sweet! Yep, that’s the reality of today’s Democratic Party.
Here’s the solution to the Dem’s Biden/Harris dilemma in 4 easy steps:
Newsom appoints Harris to Feinstein’s Senate seat.
Harris accepts, resigning as Vice President to do so.
Biden’s handlers then load his teleprompter with a speech about how he called Newsom and asked him to serve as his Vice President.
Newsome accepts.
This keeps the Dems in power (barely) in the Senate, at least until the next one drops. It moves Harris well away from the Oval Office, and into a job she’ll likely be able to keep after next November. It also puts Newsom in place to be the incumbent President and de facto nominee for the Dems next November, in a few weeks when Biden has his “tragic accident.”
That it lets Newsom run away from the consequences of his disastrous policies—most recently, the $20/hr minimum wage bill—before the California economy completely implodes—is just gravy for him.
It also saves the Dems from seeing their sitting Resident perp-walked, and lets the House go full-throttle on Hunter, who absolutely no one will miss. And as for all those California Black women who are salivating over the Senate appointment? Meh, nobody with real power in the Democratic Party cares about them—what’re they going to do? Become REPUBLICANS? Not bloody likely. And yes, Kamala’s on that list, even though:
Remember, these are the same people who literally wheeled a nearly dead Feinstein onto the Senate floor the day before she died. They will do anything they think they can get away with to maintain their power.
If making Kamala Harris take the “demotion” from loathed VP to Senator is what it takes, they’ll make it happen. Or, she’ll just be invited to Martha’s Vineyard for naked paddle boarding and…oh well! Call the Obama’s personal coroner again, we’ve got another one.
This is, after all, the way things are done in banana republics. That’s why I think it’s at least a 50/50 shot. Or, Dr. Jill could pull an original (British) House of Cards ending (here at 43:10)…or just ask Hillary to be Veep. Same thing, really.
Otherwise, the country is at severe risk of…President Kamala.
Aaaaaand… Cue screaming.
H/t to @HarrisonKrank for the images. He also had the idea, apparently at the same time I did. Great minds, and all that.
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The Dummy is not running the country by any means and has been a failure for over 50 years. Kammy is not doing anything except taking up space. That is the exact definition for most of the DC Swamp...both parties.
I am hearing that M Obama and even hillary are going to be in the hunt. Under normal democrat party rule (non-leftist), RFK would be the front runner.
The country has been going downhill since Bush 1 with only a slight leveling out when Trump was around (4 years out of the last 35). The dems are getting extremely desperate as whoever is controlling the party has done a horrid job with everything over the last 32 months. Based on an honest election vote, the Marxists would be crushed on all fronts. They will not allow that.
I expect some extreme measures from the Marxist dems to keep their power at all costs. The repubs and rinos will stand by idly as another reign of terror is served up by the dems. It does not matter who sits in the Black House, but who is behind the curtain pulling the levers.
The long list of dem candidates couldn't be more retarded and anti-humanity.