Well, this is…odd? Strange? Interesting, if not a bit ironic? Surprising, certainly; and completely unexpected.
As of late last night, I’ve been indefinitely banned by Truth Social.
I was doing some late-night socialing, posting the previous Substack about the debt ceiling bill, when I was notified about the ban by email. I suppose that’s the only way it could have been done because my Truth account is dead. Kaput. Erased.
No reason given, other than the standard “violating our Terms of Service”. No warning. No specifics. Just BOOM, indefinite ban for “egregious” violations, you can appeal by email, we’ll respond at our earliest convenience, blah blah blah, see ya, buh bye.
Of course, I’ve sent the appeal, and have asked for specifics about just what, exactly, they consider “egregious”. We’ll see how long their “earliest convenience” is, too.
For now, I’m still on Gab, GETTR, and even Twitter. It’s even more odd because my usual pattern is to do one post (usually Twitter, only because it’s character limits are the smallest), then copy/paste that post onto the other platforms. I do respond to posts on each platform, but I’d thought I was being remarkably restrained (to the point of self-censorship, as we all must do in these unenlightened times) with my comments.
Given my usual snark and contempt for idiots, Leftists and other neuronally-challenged life forms, I’d have thought a Twitter ban would have been in the offing long before the others. I certainly would have lost money on that bet!
It’s especially ironic because Truth Social is Trump’s platform. It was started by and for him. It’s where, with his Rumble channel, he maintains his social presence and contact with his base.
To be completely honest, the only reason I bothered to start a Truth Social account was, and is, to help sell books—Beyond MAGA being just the first, I’d hoped. Where better to sell a pro-Trump book than his very own platform? Joining the other platforms? Same reason, just trying to reach a wider audience (since Truth Social is still a minor player, all propaganda to the contrary). Let’s be brutally honest—without Trump, Truth Social isn’t worth squat, and everybody knows it. He is THE anchor for the platform, period.
Note to self: those Truth Social ads I was about to buy? Not going to be an issue for a while.
What’s really awkward is that last week I autographed the very first Author copies of the hardback Beyond MAGA for The Boss himself, and gave them to two friends who regularly go to Mar-A-Lago. Both promised to give them to the President personally, as a show of my support. Yes, two copies, two couriers. Redundancy is good.
Guess this pic won’t go up on Truth Social anytime soon, will it?
I’m hoping this ban from Truth Social is just a simple mistake. I’m told the platform has had some glitches in the past, and the rumors are this is an ongoing issue. I do know that GETTR has a smoother, more polished interface (especially on iPad, which helps these old eyes), despite being roughly the same age and having similar target demographics.
Until I hear back from the Truth Social admin team—assuming I do, of course—I see no reason to bother starting a new account. Why should I? I can’t think of what I might have done to violate the ToS in an “egregious” way, even after reading the damned thing (that nobody does, anyway). Not that it matters—if the Powers That Be want you gone, you’re gone. We all know that, especially if you’re a conservative who’s experienced this on other platforms. You’d think President Trump, of all people, would understand that, and try not to emulate Twitter and Facebook on his own platform. Apparently, the Truth Social staff does not.
So, I guess I’ll just have to assume Truth Social banned me because I was too pro-Trump, too pro-MAGA and too pro-America First.
That’s my story and I’m sticking to it!
Not that I agree with President Trump on every single issue—I don’t, because that would be dreadfully boring and I’m a Patriot, not a mindless Lefty Borg drone—but when Trump’s right, he’s right; no one has defended him more confidently and consistently than I.
Perhaps that’s part of the problem. Who knows? Given the absence of any specific reason given for the indefinite ban, it’s impossible to say. With AI image software, photo editing and complete control of the platform, Truth’s administrators could “prove” anything they want. It’s also possible my account was hacked (probably NOT by Russia), and that’s the source of the problem. If that’s the case, let’s hope it’s resolved quickly. I promise, I will let you know ASAP, regardless of the outcome. Hopefully we can all laugh about this in a few days, and go on about our business as before.
At any rate, that sequel to Beyond MAGA that’s already in progress? The one that’s going to help America First, MAGA Patriots fight the Left and win elections, starting in 2024? It may just slide a notch or two down the ‘in progress’ list.
It’s not like there’s nothing else to write about these days. RFK Jr., anyone?
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