Let’s Go, Kevin!
Tuesday’s House votes weren’t about gas stoves—they were a message to Speaker McCarthy
Yesterday (Tuesday) 11 House Republicans sent a message to Kevin McCarthy and his House leadership. That message: Let’s Go, Kevin!
By voting with the Borgocrats (Demoborg?) against advancing four bills the leadership really, really wanted to pass (because they would have blocked the Biden regime from doing something totally stupid—banning gas stoves) these 11 Republicans didn’t just smear egg on the Speaker’s face. They put him on notice that they are not happy with how he and his puppet masters betrayed the American people with last week’s debt ceiling increase.
It wasn’t quite a motion to vacate the chair, but it may have been the next best thing. These were procedural votes to move the bills along, nothing more. There’s no real reason they can’t come back again. Personally, I think it’d be poetically just to let the Climate Cultists who wield so much power in this Regime inflict a gas stove ban on consumers. Let Brandon slap yet another stupid, useless policy with a hefty price tag on all those (fraudulent) 81 million people who voted for him (not really). People need to be reminded about just how wrong this Regime is on Every. Single. Issue. Every. Single. Day.
Forget the pictures of Dr. Jill cooking over her gas stove. Forget Elizabeth Warren’s ties to Chesapeake Energy, a GAS company (and how her net worth has skyrocketed since she joined the Senate). Forget all the reasons gas stoves are just better, which is why the best restaurants and chefs use gas.
Don’t forget that AOC said cooking with gas causes brain damage—and that we have pictures of her and Kamalamadingdong cooking with gas. No, you can’t blame gas stoves for those two—they’re both just dumb as a box of rocks.
That’s why sending this message to McCarthy in this way, on these particular bills, was such a brilliant maneuver. Gas stoves, in the grand scheme of things, are not a make-or-break issue for the nation. Not like the fact that Brandon and the Uniparty want to keep spending like there’s no tomorrow.
McCarthy promised, back when the Freedom Caucus was raising their pitchforks and blocking all those Speaker votes, to actually cut spending. This debt ceiling bill does the same old ‘reduce future spending and call it a cut’ garbage we’ve seen too damn many times over the years. There aren’t any real spending cuts in it that actually matter. The only things it will do are let the Uniparty continue looting the Treasury, speed up the de-dollarization of the rest of the world, bring back QE (which round is this? 7? 8?) and squirt more lighter fluid on inflation and the nation’s race towards economic collapse.
The horrible thing is that McCarthy could have stood firm on the original House debt ceiling bill, because the vast majority of people either wanted budget cuts or NO increase whatsoever. Yes, reading between the lines, 16% of the American public has come to realize that nothing short of a default will ever reign in this government’s unquenchable lust for (over)spending! But, the bureaucrats, Deep Staters, Looney Lefties, Neo-Clown warmongers and Banksters didn’t want any spending cuts—so that’s what Kevin McCarthy delivered.
Is this the end for Kevvie’s Speakership? I doubt it. It’s probably not even the beginning of the end. I can easily foresee a motion to vacate then a new Speaker’s election keep him in that chair, with some of the 100+ Dems who supported the debt ceiling bill voting with the no-spine Republicans to keep him right where he is. And why shouldn’t they? He’s given them all they wanted in the budget, and then some.
I can even see some of those Dems doing it just for spite, to watch McCarthy justify their support in solid-Red MAGA districts across the country. I know I’ll be laughing right along with them if that happens.
Yes, the Oversight and Weaponization Committees are still making things uncomfortable for the FBI, DoJ and various others, but we’re less than two years away from the 2024 elections. The Dems and their allies are just going to slow-walk everything they can until then. They’re gearing up to prevent a second Trump Presidency because they know Trump 47 won’t hesitate to track them down and prosecute them. James Comey knows this, and you can see the abject fear in his eyes as he’s been spewing CO2 at the press these last few days.
A lot can (and will) happen between now and November 2024. It’s still possible, as I’ve said before, that we could have President McCarthy by then—but it’s a vanishingly small chance now. I wouldn’t vote for him for a full term, regardless; even if he was dumb/delusional enough to run. Not after what he pulled on the debt ceiling.
For the next few days, I can’t wait to see what other pain the Freedom Caucus inflicts on poor Kevin McCarthy. He deserves every bit of it for how he sold the country out.
The US default IS coming at some point. McCarthy’s debt ceiling bill has all but guaranteed it. God help us all.
Let’s Go, Kevin!
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