The Day in 5 Posts, 12/18
A Christmas flashback, Texas is closing the border, Reconciliation removal on hold, EU gets bold, and Francis says gay’s okay—but it’s not “marriage.” Snark, and Dementoids on Parade, too!
Today’s Meme is actually a flashback to the White House 2017 Christmas video (because after last week, we need a reminder of just how far we’ve fallen, and how fast):
The Posts:
Honorable Mention:

And the Snark:
Follow Doc Contrarian everywhere from his AllMyLinks page, where you can also find his Amazon #1 book Beyond MAGA.
And follow THIS LINK to a recent Dementoids On Parade video of the Dementoid In Chief, with reactions from Jimmy Dorn & Friends. There’s actually a discussion about Adderall in dementia, using a TV show William Shatner was on as an example. More & more people are realizing that old Joe has to be propped up, and something like Adderall is a primary suspect. It’s rather sad, really, what he’s being put through in his declining years.
I figured the Millennials would shift, but it's the youngsters shifting. Considering their parents are Gen X, it sort of makes sense.