Before we get to the Posts, be warned—there’s been a LOT of unhappiness & discontent bubbling around today all over the Interwebz. I think the froggies have just noticed the heat’s been turned up another notch or three and they really don’t appreciate it. So, yeah; you’ve been warned.
this video dropped early this AM, before Glitch Mitch announced the bill was DOA. Whew! Still, the Prof tells us just what kind of 💩 pile Schumer & McConnell et. al. were going to foist on us. Don’t get complacent—I’m sure we’ll see it, or something worse, in the near future.j
link to the video of these “migrants” on parade after being released with no bail in NYC. Scroll down to see what happened to them later…
link HERE. FYI, I made the comment about Pressler before I heard that McRINO was out!
link so you can ask yourself what’s so horrible of interviewing Putin now? Surely it’s not because he’ll come across as calm, coherent, articulate, intelligent, in command of the facts and logical—in other words, exactly the opposite of Joe Biden & Kamala Harris!
short thread excoriating the Usual Suspects for their hypocrisy over Tucker’s interview with Cousin Vlad.
link to this video which encourages people to get off their fat sanctimonious asses, shut up with their pious moaning and actually do something to help their kids escape the Educrats & their government indoctrination centers! Parent up, slackers!
link is HERE, but this is an inside joke. No. Bush (probably) isn’t co-hosting the Biden fundraiser with Barry. Dom has recently been hit with a ton on Community Notes on @x to derank & demonetize him. He’s fighting back by putting obvious idiocy in his posts, to draw out the Noters (aka paid, professional trolls). While I don’t know for sure, I suspect he’s planning some retribution. So, yeah; ignore the Bush part. Maybe. They’re all Deep State scum, so who knows?
I can't envision a scenario where any of these illegal migrants ever get mass deported. The business community loves their cheap labor too much. Plus, we've still got 8 million job openings. All these new counselors in our schools need to start recommending an after school job to cure this 'loneliness epidemic', but that would make too much sense.
I can't envision a scenario where any of these illegal migrants ever get mass deported. The business community loves their cheap labor too much. Plus, we've still got 8 million job openings. All these new counselors in our schools need to start recommending an after school job to cure this 'loneliness epidemic', but that would make too much sense.