The Day in Posts 4/24
Biden glitches, signs anyway. Ukraine Israel win, TikTok & taxpayers lose. Russia gets REPO, Free Palestine protests everywhere, Arrest is on, the psyop is real, AIPAC, Pepe Escobar & EMP Iran nukes!
The Meme of the Day just seemed fitting, somehow:
It’s been a strange day, sweeties, even by recent standards. Lots of posts, lots of dots for you to collect, a fair amount of pros and cons, but one thing is clear: this bottom of the 4th Turning stiff sucks. Keep scrolling, the fun stuff’s at the bottom. 😈
The Top 5 Posts:
War is good for business, and business is booming! Literally.
Honorable Mention:
Link to some of Joe’s better recent gaffs
The only way this could have been a bigger dissing would have needed rotten fruit.
Just watch it. I promise you’ll like it.
got to say, Planet of Memes was on a roll today
Watch Lara Logan go off on our corrupt Congress. And lest you think she’s exaggerating, 👇👇
Remember, one of the main reasons Cousin Vlad gave for the Special Military Option was to de-Nazify eastern Ukraine. And remember how vigorously the New York Times denied there were Nazis in Ukraine—until they admitted it?
First Chuckie Schumer, now Nancy? Ooooooh, Bibi; what have you done? Tried to nuke Iran, maybe? Slaughtered women & children in Gaza? Or…worst of all…you made DC power players look bad! Sleep light, Bibi. And why didn’t I see this on AMERICAN media? 🤔🤔🤔
Watch and wonder what the World Court will have to say about this. Then, read the post below before you decide.👇👇
Two conflicting stories in the two posts above. Both are here so you can decide.
Watch—this has been going on for some time
Consider the source (duh) but realize these social posts from IDF members were reviewed by three international experts on war crimes & torture. This is also a large reason TikTok had to be banned in the US, remember? It’s 9:00ish minutes of disturbing stuff.
Watch—it’s powerful
Part 1 of this thread. I can’t wait to see 2 & 3. There’s a recent post related to this topic HERE if you’d like more info on the campus psy-ops being run on Americans by a certain foreign power, and another one HERE. I know, none of you will click on these—my stats tell a sad tale of woe and apathy—but they’re here if you’re ready to take that pill.
Part of an extensive thread, which begins below.
Welcome to the psy-op, long thread.
Okay, let’s talk about today’s protests. The above comment was the first that I wrote about these today, and as the day went by, I begin to see a pattern emerging. As you’ll see from the posts below, today’s protests were coast to coast. Austin, Texas was a particularly interesting site, as Governor Abbott was not in the mood to play. Of course, there’s also a post below of him signing a free speech on campus bill – but that obviously doesn’t apply in certain situations. If you’ve read the post above, you may have some idea what those situations are.
Unless I miss my guess, “Free Palestine” is going to be this summer’s “No Justice, Ne Peace.” It’s divisive, disruptive and destructive to the established order and general calmness of society—all things the Left wants, to stir up their base before November. Unfortunately for the Left, it’s also horribly divisive for the Democratic Party, much more so than it is for the Republicans. My sense is that the Dems would much prefer race & abortion “mostly peaceful” protests they could blame on the Republicans. Certainly they’ll try to create a few of these, but with the current crime wave Dem policies have given us, that won’t be easy. No, barring a sudden outbreak of peace and love in the Middle East (fat chance!), this is the hand the Dems have to play.
For the rest of us—trust little, verify much. Try to see through the presentation to what’s behind it. Look for the ways you’re being manipulated. Nothing is confirmed until officially denied. Follow the money, the power and the control, and ask yourself ‘who benefits?’ at every turn.
We knew it was going to be a long, hot summer. Looks like it’s starting early.
Carlos in his own words as he’s being led away
Watch, because it certainly didn’t age well.
Well, here it is—Pepe Escobar’s Final Answer to his post 4 days ago about Israel’s attack last Thursday on Iran. For those of you who missed it, Mr. Escobar had sources reported to him that Israel had loaded a nuclear tipped missile on an F-35, intending to do a high altitude EMP burst over Iran to fry their power grid. Mr. Escobar also reported that Russian forces managed to bring this F-35 down. At present, this is the best information that he has provided in support of this, and I would refer you to his feed for more. As you can imagine, the comments have been all over the map on this, both supporting and attempting to debunk him. I’ve provided one of the best debunks, as well as Larry Johnson’s analysis below. Make of this what you will, but as I said yesterday: if this report is true, it looks as though we may have just dodged a nuclear bullet.
Link to this thread debunking Pippi Escobar‘s report of the alleged Israeli EMP attack on Ren. There are a couple of technical glitches in it (see the comments for them) but the main problem I have with this is that it presumes a completely logical pattern of thinking on the part of the Israeli work cabinet. Based on several things we’ve seen these last few months, I’m not sure that is a particularly valid or completely justified assumption. Regardless, here it is—decide for yourself whether it’s plausible or not.
Link—there’s an embedded link to the podcast in the article that’s an interesting watch, both about the EMP attack & the overall war with the BRICS we’re in.
Me—Every. Damn. Day. 👆👆
Remember the good old days? We had this 👆👆, and mean tweets, cheap gas, and no new wars.
And the Snark. You’ll either get it, or you won’t. If you don’t, email me at and I’ll explain it to you. Maybe. If my gout and hemorrhoids aren’t flaring.
Hooray! You made it! Now be good little sweeties and like, share, comment, and text this link to all your friends. Or enemies, as appropriate. Or both, I don’t much care. Tell them to subscribe, too. It’s free.
Follow Doc Contrarian everywhere or contact him by email from his AllMyLinks page, where you can also find his Amazon #1 book Beyond MAGA.