The Day in Posts 4/26
$60 billion not a lot, Ukraine, Russia, Blinken bobbles, Schiff loses his stuff, Trump a hit in NYC, Pittsburgh has fallen, Border crisis shifts, George Soros is paying, arrests & memes, REDFriday!
The Meme of the Day is a geography lesson for our Fearless Leaders in DC:
Before you dig in, there’s a couple of things. First, there are several widely different viewpoints below, which I’m dropping all together not just to stir the pot, but to show people just what’s circulating out there. Not all of it is comforting. These aren’t x]comforting times. Second, please like/share/comment. Spending hours every day on things with minimal feedback isn’t happy-making for the creator, regardless of who they are. Remember, it’s free—the feedback is all I get out of this.
The Top 5 Posts:
Link so you can see just how out of touch with reality Glitch Mitch really is.
Link. It could happen, and the reasons why are below. 👇👇
Honorable Mention:
The past two years of bloodshed, waste and destruction could have been avoided. Now, sweeties, ask yourself why peace wasn’t allowed to break out?
Wake up and smell the hypocrisy
De-dollarization is inevitable at this point, but the NeoClowns, globalists and Banksters seem determined to squirt lighter fluid on that fire. Since that’ll lead to big-D Depression & economic collapse when the debt bomb goes off, you have to wonder what they’re planning.
Link and show your support for our troops!
This is especially bad for several reasons. The US has now pissed away invested over $1 billion in Niger over the last decade, including a $110 million drone base that is being handed over to the Russians. Yet another triumph for O’Biden’s “lead from behind” foreign policy! You can read more about this embarrassing debacle HERE.
Link to the post. The original Axios report is pinned to it.
Watch this woman’s red pill over Biden’s Title IX lunacy kick in.
Link. Just from the brief description of her behavior in the article, there’s something seriously not right with her.
Watch this NY Union leader lay out his people’s support for President Trump
Link to this. Old Joe went off the rails several times with Stern. I’m looking forward to the creative explaining JP will be doing for the next few days.
Link for a little more from this gent
Link and if you don’t get the Bad Dragon joke…you’re too young.
This is going to make a lot of people uncomfortable, if they even bother to listen to it. Don’t care—it’s a point that needs to be kept in mind. Yes, the protests are annoying, and funded by evil shietes, and some of the participants are a few fries short of a happy meal—but they still have 1st Amendment protections…until they don’t. Ask yourself why that is—it’ll become more important as this long, got summer drags on.
I know Nick Fuentes gets all the hate for his views, but everybody’s views need to be heard. Listen, and then either consider or reject what he has to say—don’t just dismiss him outright without a hearing. If you’re not brave enough to do that…🤷♂️
Link I’m sure this will keep growing because 1) it’s being created with generous amounts of lucre and 2) the authorities have forgotten the lessons of the 60’s. It’s going to get much worse before it gets better.
Watch. It’s pretty much wrong on soooooooo many levels.
Yeah, his original video didn’t age well at all…
Link. As you watch it, remember what JFK said about Bull Conner, and how Bull’s intransigence inflamed the nation and was a major factor in promoting civil rights. Then, think about the harsh actions on campuses the last few days. Can you smell the psyop, sweeties?
Heres another viewpoint to add to the mix. It’s a bit long at 9ish minutes, but…
Watch. It’s long but it’s good.
Link to the Gazan priest’s story.
Long, highly informative thread
And the Snark—Alex was on a roll today! Ooooh, the sarcasm!m
Hooray! There’s no more for today! Now you can like, share & subscribe (it’s still free)!!!
Follow Doc Contrarian everywhere or contact him by email from his AllMyLinks page, where you can also find his Amazon #1 book Beyond MAGA.
Good roundup. I've been supportive of the protests, but not the encampments. Setting up camp on a quad or in buildings is a surefire way to lose support. It's almost as if it was planned to fail just like Occupy Wall St. Protesters and marchers are required to get a permit for a reason. The cops come in and order the crowd to disperse and then they arrest the ones who don't. The campers are now hurting their own movement, imho.