The Day in Posts 4/5
Apple Pie McFlurry, #earthquake, lousy jobs report, squatters, mainstream media dying, Ashley’s #diary, #AIPAC, #Israel & Bibi want more weapons, Biden squeezed, #redheifer apocalypse & more!
The Meme of the Day is a sneak preview of the Democrat’s new campaign ad, with a h/t to @The_ZyklonBee for the artwork:
The Top 5 Posts:
Watch the video. Allegedly can help if you’re in this situation. I’ve never used them and don’t know anyone who has, but it might be a resource if someone needs it. Caveat emptor.
Honorable Mention:
Hmmm now why would they do that?
Link to see me razz on Elon because that’s just how I roll
This could be one of the reasons the Mockingbird Media is dying (you need to watch the skit—seriously. It’s too funny and explains so much.)
Link, while we’re waiting on more about this
Your tax dollars at work! Actually, borrowed money you’ll have to pay back.
Link so you can see the kinda creepy NATO video. Mr. Griffin isn’t the only one seeing a rising tide of opposition to the whole globalist agenda in parallel with surging populist nationalism and (at least here in my part of the US) a rise in isolationism. Our Fearless Leaders have shoved this down our throats hard and fast, regardless of how much we gagged or hated the taste, and now people are starting to say “Enough!” What worries me is what’s coming next as the two agendas collide.
Link so you can watch & read it for yourself, as always
Link to the video
Now if Micky Ds would only get their act together on their ice cream machines…
*sigh* I’ll never get caught up
Old Joe’s lifetime AIPAC total—he’s their #1 Guy by far. Don’t count on him “abandoning” Israel. Say what you like about him, he stays bought!
More AIPAC receipts from @Cancelcloco, well worth the time to watch is you really want to understand what’s going down now in DC. You may hate it (and me for pointing it out) but that doesn’t make it any less true.
Just to be clear, I’m opposed to ANY foreign nation—Russia, China, Israel, Somalia, Lichtenstein, the Duchy of Grand Fenwick—having a significant influence on Congress or any other part of any American government at any level. Period. Don’t care who it is, don’t care if they’re an ally, friend, frenemy or foe. Do. Not. Care. The first duty of the federal, state and local governments should be to this nation, the several states, the municipalities and the people therein. Is that clear enough?
There’s a Policy Statement to this effect on X HERE. Feel free to bookmark it for future reference.
When Empires run their course, it’s rarely pretty. Sucky to live through, too.
Psychologically speaking, there are a number of parallels here. A disturbingly high number, given what’s happened the last few months and how the world has perceived & reacted to events. I wonder just why that is? 🤔🤔🤔
Best prophecy I’ve heard all week!
There’s no shortage of reasons why various Powers That Be wanted JFK dead. This may not even be in the top 5, but it certainly didn’t help keep him alive.
And today’s Snark is a lesson as to why you should NEVER ask an open-ended, no-limits question in a campaign fundraising ad on social media—because some a$$hole might just answer you:
Link so you can like, share and make your own comments. Because if you’re going to run social ads for Democrats that appear on my feed even though I’m paying for Premium and ask inane open-ended questions like that (rookie move!), you’ve pretty much left yourself wide open to snarky comments, imo.
Pro tip: NEVER ask “is there ANYTHING I can say…” because some a$$hole will invariably answer you.
Follow Doc Contrarian everywhere or contact him by email from his AllMyLinks page, where you can also find his Amazon #1 book Beyond MAGA.