The Day in Posts 5/27
Memorial Day, Rants that will get me in trouble on China v Taiwan, the Navy, DEI, CRT, Israel, the Jews, Rafah, the Holocaust then & now, Biden corruption, Trump at NASCAR, Female Trouble, memes, more
The Meme of the Day, presented without comment:
Yes, there are some epic rants here that will almost certainly sink my next run for President. Yes, somebody needs to be saying this stuff, and I seem to be one of the few with little enough sense to say it. Feel free to Like, Share, Comment and sign up for a free Subscription.
Let’s be brutally honest: this is an incredible time & effort sink that I could be using to get other things done. Like napping. Or writing. Or more napping. Unless I start seeing some more feedback other than an occasional like, I’m going to stop spending time on this and do something else, like working on my next book “The Joy of Naps.”
The Top 5 Posts:
Watch this wonderful video, with speech by Ronald Reagan.
Link to post, original article HERE.
China has also been warning Japan about its recent moves supporting Taiwan, and early-mid June is about the earliest the monsoon season will allow any kind of attack to go forward (depending on the weather, another couple of weeks might be better, but I have no direct line into the PLA planning groups or Xi’s office). Keep in mind that 1) the Navy’s readiness is down after a 30 year slide and it can’t build ships because “decades of deindustrialization and policymakers’ failure to prioritize among services and threats have left the Navy ill-equipped to endure a sustained high-intensity conflict in the Pacific.” China has 200 times our shipbuilding capacity and is the world’s largest shipbuilder. There are also reports that China has automated & robotized their cruise missile production lines and can now crank out 4000/month. Given how fast they can crank out EVs, I don’t doubt it, while ours are still basically hand-built. That didn’t work for German tank production in WWII vs our mass-production, and now those tables are well & truly turned.
Combine that with an unnecessary focus on DEI, “purge extremists” and combat racism at all costs, drag queen-led recruitment that is down, down, down, the Regime’s conscious & active decision to ignore calls for the military to reject DEI and CRT, alone with the high probability that Xi has oodles of blackmail on old Joe…can anyone think we’re in any shape to stop Xi if/when he decides to move? Just the threat to dump the dirt on Biden would create enough turmoil in DC to buy China a few days, and revealing that the 2020 election really was stolen would create a constitutional crisis that would paralyze America. How enthusiastically would the Pentagon respond to orders from a questionably legitimate CiC? Especially against a superior enemy, while our domestic bases are under attack and infiltrators are wrecking our infrastructure? It’s not like Chinese spies have been caught infiltrating our bases over 100 times..oh, wait; they have.
The Intelligence Community says China didn’t interfere with the 2020 election. Of course, they also said Hunter’s laptop was Russian disinformation and actively worked to sabotage President Trump’s 1st term in office and were actively involved in rigging the 2020 election themselves, so you’ll excuse me if I’m not taking their word for it about China. Even if Xi didn’t diddle with the China-built Dominion machines, all he’d have to do is dump the proof that they WERE diddled, ask for a formal investigation and get his fellow BRICS to agree with him. That’s what I’d do a day or three before I moved on Taiwan, just to cause Biden’s handlers to be too busy dealing with that crisis to pay attention to what I was doing. But, I’m an evil shite, not the embodiment of sweetness and light that is President Xi.
Stream of consciousness ramblings aside, the omens are telling me there’s a high probability China will be annexing Taiwan in the very near future. I hope I’m wrong in how I’m reading this, and no one will be happier than I to say “oops, I missed it!” But, ask yourself this: what if I’m right?
Honorable Mention:
Link or watch the full 30 min interview HERE.
You do realize your tax dollars are funding both sides of the slaughter in Gaza, right?
Link And is this not witness tampering?
Link and can I get an AMEN????
You won’t see this on the evening news. AIPAC won’t send out a press release with a link to this video, either. The ADL might, but it’d condemn it as antisemitic (not that it takes a lot for the ADL to do that, but…). This is, however, what the rest of the world sees, which I’m dropping it here for all of you.
This is about the most sane report on this attack that I’ve seen on social media. Sensible journalism is rare and hard to find these days, when I find it, I always try to put it here. For more common are the examples that immediately follow below. 👇
If this doesn’t move you, you have no soul. Yes, I said it! As a great man once said, It is well that war is so terrible, otherwise we should grow too fond of it.
Link and if any of you speak French and confirm this translation, please let me know.
Lots of this sentiment popping up on social, and with Holocaust trending today I only expect to see more like it.
Watch this Holocaust survivor address his concerns about Gaza, especially its children. I’d think he has the moral authority to render an opinion, don’t you?
Rules-based Order, my 🫏. You can’t have any pretense of rules if they don’t apply equally. Otherwise, you’re just playing global Fizzbin, which only works if you’re James T. Kirk.
This is what bothers me so much about a certain religious ethnostate populated by The Tribe-That-Must-Not-Be-Named. Why do they get a pass on essentially every issue? Why can they not be critiqued or criticized? Valid theological arguments about whether or not they remain God’s Chosen or the validity of the Rapture and Dispensationalism aside (personally, I’m on the side of Darby was a heretic and false prophet, Scofield was worse, but that’s another issue altogether), as a nation-state shouldn’t they have to follow the same rules as the rest of the planet? Doesn’t it follow that organizations that specifically lobby for them should register under FARA just like everybody else? Why isn’t sauce for the goose sauce for this particular gander? And am I the only one who sees the irony of a nation founded largely on the guilt trip of the Holocaust ignoring orders to stop committing genocide by an International Court set up to prevent another Holocaust?
And why does the US always cover for them at the U.N., open the money spigot on demand, and bribe the rest of the Middle East to leave them alone? 🤔🤔🤔
It’s almost enough to make you wonder who’s really running the country.
Yes, yes; I know I’m not supposed to say things like that, just like we’re not supposed to notice or speak those icky little facts like Jews represent 2-3% of the population but are half of Biden’s cabinet and over 2/3 of the staffers on the Hill. Competency and educational excellence is one thing but those numbers defy any reasonable statistical probability.
Here’s an inescapable fact that no one wants to talk about: the war Israel is waging in Gaza has already soured global opinion on both Israel and America, their Uncle Sugar. It’s sending ripple effects across the globe, especially where Jews have been a major driving force behind mass immigration of 3rd worlders—many of whom are Muslim and hate Jews (and Christians and pretty much anyone isn’t Muslim). The scuffles we’ve seen lately won’t even begin to compare to the explosions some of us see coming very soon, and who will the people have to thank for it? Who will they have to thank if our Fearless Leaders from the Small Hat Tribe lead us into WWIII with Iran, Russia, China and the rest of the BRICS?
I can’t be happy about the next few years, not for me (I won’t live through it) but for those of you who will—and that includes my Jewish friends who are nice people just trying to get by, like the rest of us. God help you as you try to clean up this mess.
Link to this great reminder that all Jews are not Zionists. I hope that we can all keep this in mind as the backlash against what the Zionists are doing continues to build. It’s not okay to hate someone for being a Jew. It IS okay to hate evil 💩heads regardless of which religion they do or do not follow. Clear enough, sweeties?
See? THIS is the kind of thing I’m worried about, and it’s only going to get worse. Do NOT do this, sweeties; chastise those Eedeiots who do.
Link Shite Indiana couple open a California-based franchise selling hip hop-themed cookies & donuts. Apparently that’s RACISS or white supremacy or drug culture or something. Sweet Mother of Jefferson Davis, people! To paraphrase Siggy Freud, sometimes a cookie is just a damn cookie!
Dammit, let Karen be Karen! There’s a LOT more I could say about this, but I’m already in enough trouble as it is.
Ah, retro ads! Truly, it was the Golden Age of Advertising!
And for today’s Snark, Quark said it best:
Follow Doc Contrarian everywhere or contact him by email from his AllMyLinks page, where you can also find his Amazon #1 book Beyond MAGA.