The Day in Posts 5/6
Cinco de Mayo, Biden fumbles, Hamas accepts, Israel attacks anyway, Rafah in flames, ICC threatened by AIPAC-paid Senators-that’s illegal! Jabs cause psychosis, not just clots, Russia, nukes & more!
The Meme of the Day comes from @LibertyCappy:
The Top 5 Posts:
Honorable Mention:
Link. So…honey, which is 100% natural is bad, but 23 jabs carrying mercury, aluminum and other junk is okay? Is it just me, or does that seem a bit backwards?
Isn’t this what repressive regimes do?
Well, that’s a bit inconvenient for the Regime, and the Congress that just voted even more money & weapons for Israel.
Link you can click on it and expand the letter to see this group of Senators blatantly threatening the ICC if they do their job. Rules-based order my 🫏
And here are the receipts! Best Senate money can buy! And it gets better…👇
I wonder if AIPAC will pay their legal bills if the ICC comes after them? Oh, wait; that’s just a silly idea. It’ll be the US taxpayer, of course! If one of these buffoons is your Senator, make sure you thank them the next time they swing through making a cameo appearance before they slither back into the swamp. And speaking of bills the US taxpayer is going to be stuck with:
Link that should surprise absolutely no one who’s been following this Dubstack
Well, well, well. Soros (duh), Pritzker, Rockefeller & Gates.
I wonder when she’s going to be punished for her anti-Israeli thoughtcrimes?
Watch and remember who’s behind the mass immigration into the West the next time you see a “newcomer” rape, assault or kill a native. Just do it quick before it’s illegal to notice things like that here in the US.
Link—and yes, the pics of the count show them hand-counting the ballots!
I’m getting some heat for this from people who don’t understand principled stances, but much more support from people who do.
And the Snark, which is really sad today.