Last week was so interesting I can’t wait to see what distractions the Left is going to drop on us this week! After all, we can’t be allowed to notice the continued drip drip drip of Biden family scandals, or the suspicious everything about the Maui fires, or another few palettes of money for Ukraine, or…well, you know.
In Atlanta on Monday, while the Grand Jury was just getting itself organized and sorting itself out, indictments against President Trump were already being filed and uploaded to the Fulton County website. How efficient!
But wait…that was just a test document, oopsie. A test document that exactly mirrored the actual indictment the Grand Jury passed later that day. An indictment that also contained the full names of the members of the Grand Jury, which isn’t supposed to happen at all. Because it’s doxing, and could put the jurors and their families at risk, or be used to bring pressure against them. But I’m sure it’s alright, because we all know Trump is guilty of whatever he’s charged with. Right? RIGHT? RIGHT?
I’m glad the jury members understood that. It’d be terrible if they were “mostly peaceful protested”, or anything. That’s a nice life you have there…be a shame if anything happened to it. Right?
Or maybe they were purposefully doxed in the hope that some of them would be attacked by “Ultra MAGA rioters”—that we’d be carefully NOT told actually worked for an Alphabet Agency. Anybody seen Ray Epps lately? Just asking.
So, indictments, Round 4. Charges, lots. Level of lawfare, approaching maximum. Risk of destroying free speech, high (as intended). Masses distracted from ongoing Biden scandals, check.
Odds this will blow up in the Left’s faces, climbing steadily. Just like Trump’s poll numbers.
Queen Fani invoked RICO statutes to bring these charges. Fair enough. I’m glad she did. That means Trump-47 can have his Attorney General (NOT Jeff Sessions or Bill Barr!) do the same thing and indict EVERYBODY who’s been part of the lawfare against him. Won’t that be fun?
That’s after Queen Fani is charged under GA Code § 51-7-40 (2022), “False Arrest, False Imprisonment, Malicious Prosecution, and Abusive Litigation, Article 3 - Malicious Prosecution, § 51-7-40. Right of Action for Malicious Prosecution”, then tossed out of office, disbarred, and locked up. And just think of all those other Democrats who did the same thing in 2016, like Hillary Clinton, Kamala Harris, etc. etc. Even Georgia’s own Staci Abrams, who still hasn’t conceded the Governors race she lost, is fair game under the “new precedents” Queen Fani, Jack Smith and Alvin Bragg are trying to set. Heck, let’s go back to the 2000 election and perp-walk Al Gore (remember “hanging chads?”) while we’re at it! Why not? When you start bending the law to fit your purposes, you give your opponents the right to bend it just as badly against you.
I wonder if that’ll happen before or after she’s impeached? That process seems to already be in the works:
It’s not just the pattern of Biden Scandal—Trump indictment we’ve all noticed. If Speaker Gingrich’s report of a “call from Washington” to Queen Fani about the timing of Trump’s indictment is proven true, does that not prove a conspiracy of some sort? To commit election interference, perhaps?
Smells like RICO to me.
Just as a reminder, here’s a short and a long video of Democrats doing the same thing President Trump is being persecuted prosecuted for. Also, here’s a thread from Elevator Charles (@coopsimms) with all kinds of interesting things about the stolen 2020 election, mostly in Georgia. It’s worth reviewing just to see Senator Kamalamadingdong way back in 2018 decrying internet-connected voting machines and endorsing paper ballots—what a far-right freak she was back then! *sarcasm*
Think of the fun Special Council Giuliani—who knows a thing or two about RICO—will have going after everybody Durham ignored in his report. Comely, Brennan, Strzok, Page, Hillary and Obama…any of those names sound familiar? Does RICO even have a statute of limitations? Who cares? Alvin Bragg never let a little thing like that slow him down, so why should anyone else?
As Carpe Diem said over at American Greatness, the Left needs to be reminded that we didn’t start this fire. Carpe Diem has a rather long list of things the next Republican President should appoint Special Counsels to do, including:
investigate how the Biden family raked in millions of dollars from some of our biggest adversaries
look into Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign to determine what she knew about the phony Russian dossier that her campaign funded and that was used in an attempt to take down a duly elected president of the United States
look at the behavior and state of mind of all 51 former intelligence “experts” who appeared to have knowingly and deliberately lied and defrauded the American public during the heart of the 2020 presidential election
look into what communication occurred between Joe Biden, Merrick Garland and Jack Smith regarding the federal indictment of Donald Trump (and a laundry list of others involved in this sordid affair), and
look into every single Democrat politician, CNN news anchor, or Washington Post “reporter” who publicly supported and encouraged the 2020 Black Lives Matter and Antifa riots.
Carpe Diem even suggests the particular sections of the US Code they should be tried under for their various offenses—bribery, extortion, racketeering, treason, conspiracy to defraud and solicitation to commit a crime of violence being just a few.
Works for me.
Of course, Carpe Diem assumes that a) a Republican will be allowed to win in 2024 even if they get the most legitimate votes and b) that said Republican will actually have the fortitude to bring these lawless fools to heel.
Look at the dwarfs trailing Donald Trump in every single poll and tell me ANY of them, with the possible exception of V-Ram, would do that. DeSantis? His Uniparty string-pullers won’t let him. Pence? Oh, puhleeze. Christie? Not for all the donuts in Jersey City.
Okay, Christie might, but we’re talking LOTS of donuts. Like, boxes & boxes & boxes of donuts. Assorted, not just plain ones, with lots of the cute pink ones with sprinkles. SO many sprinkles! And jelly donuts—you can’t bribe anybody without jelly donuts. And those really awesome chocolate-covered cream-filled ones, too.
I’m joking, of course. We could divert the entire output of every Dunkin & Krispy Kreme in the country and Christy still wouldn’t go after the Dems as hard as they’ve gone after Donald Trump.
Queen Fani’s case really isn’t a case at all. The best explanation of this I’ve found that non-lawyers like me can understand comes from Andrew C. McCarthy, senior fellow at the National Review Institute and no fan of the President. He points out there is a gaping hole in her case: “the lack of a clear crime to which Trump and his co-defendants can plausibly be said to have agreed.”
Quite simply, to be guilty of a conspiracy, you have to be conspiring to commit a crime—and challenging an election isn’t a crime (or at least it wasn’t until 2020). I can conspire with my buds to go out and murder an all-you-can-eat buffet (NO, Chris Christy, you are NOT invited!) and it’s not a crime against anything but our waistlines.
If people commit a crime in pursuing a lawful objective, then they can be charged with that crime. Driving 120 mph on the way to the buffet would be a crime, and the Po Po would pull me over in a heartbeat.
McCarthy points out that Queen Fani tries to skirt this in two ways: first, just by declaring challenging an election “unlawful”—which it ain’t. Sorry, Fani; just because you say it don’t make it so.
Second, the nature of the RICO statues itself makes a RICO-worthy offense of “enterprises”—associations of people that generate revenue via the commission of crimes, in such a way that it continues to crank out the power and profits.
Challenging an election can’t, by its very nature, fit this. One way or another, on Jan. 20, 2021, Trump and his associates would either succeed or fail. Attempt over, full stop. So, not RICO. At least according to former federal prosecutor McCarthy. And hat tip to The Gateway Pundit for bringing this article to our attention.
Let’s be brutally honest. This isn’t about a conspiracy to steal the election for Trump. If anything, just the opposite. It’s not about “retribution for Black voters” or to soothe Staci Abram’s butt-hurt over not being able to steal the Georgia governor’s race in 2022. It’s not (completely) about Queen Fani’s fundraising, but she’s certainly not letting it go to waste!
Last week’s Atlanta antics were just part of the highly organized and coordinated efforts to deny Donald J. Trump the Presidency at any cost, because he threatened, and will again threaten, too many who wish to continue their plans to amass and maintain nigh-unlimited power and wealth at the expense of the American people and the world.
Trump’s campaign is the single greatest risk to the unholy alliance between the globalists and the radical progressive Left. It—and he, and his followers—must be stopped. Everything else is either part of that enterprise or a sideshow meant to distract from it. Everything.
Don’t believe me? Listen to what they’re saying and doing. They’re telling and showing you every day, just not in the old media, and right now they’re convinced they’re winning. More than that, the last few years they’ve stopped trying to be sneaky about it.
It’s like they realized after they threw a pandemic, killed millions, shredded our freedoms, forced mass genetic modification on the populace, and stole the Presidency for a demented political hack with absolutely zero consequences that they’d already won.
Personally, I think that if they do the same in 2024, they’ll be right. That’s what last week, and the antics to come this week and in the months ahead, was about.
God help us all.
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