The Week in 5 Posts 1/27
Oh, what a Week it’s been! Dumpster fires abroad, Fort Sumpter time at home—how’s that Build Back Better working out for you? If something in this one doesn’t piss you off…I got nothing for you.
A policy statement in the ICJ, Israel, Gaza, the Red Sea, etc. is below. Suffice it to say today’s Meme pretty much sums up the week we’ve had:
Before we get to the Posts, here’s a very short statement on the current kerfuffle in the Middle East. I’m working on a longer, more complete version, but here’s the condensed version:
There’s nothing new under the sun over Palestine. Israelis & Palestinians have been doing horrible things to each other for decades now. Hamas are using kids as human shields, the IDF is slaughtering them. Both groups are SCUM for doing this. STOP KILLING KIDS, DAMMIT!
Yes, the International Court of Justice slapped down Israel this week, but nothing of substance will come of it (shredding Israel’s reputation and setting fire to their holocaust card doesn’t count) when bombs are flying and kids are dying. Neither Hamas nor Israel will actually change their behaviors. The Houthis will continue to win the asymmetric naval war in the Red Sea, the globalists and Neo-Clowns will continue to sabre-rattle, the mullahs in Iran will continue to stir the pot, Putin & Xi will continue to not interrupt their enemies when they’re making so many mistakes so spectacularly, and World War Last could break out at any minute.
Meanwhile in America, O’Biden’s “fundamental transformation” process is nearly complete…and Civil War 2.0 isn’t just a crazed tin-foil hat conspiracy theory any more.
The world is watching while here at home…the Texas border is starting to feel like Fort Sumpter in April of 1861. With all that going on, there just wasn’t room in this Substack for the ongoing dumpster fires in the rest of the world. Sorry, dudes; compared to what we Americans can and have done to each other, your little squabbles just didn’t make the cut this week.
So, on to The Posts:

Honorable Mention:

And the best Snark of the Week:
Follow Doc Contrarian everywhere or contact him by email from his AllMyLinks page, where you can also find his Amazon #1 book Beyond MAGA.