The Week in 5 Posts, 12/9
Which is mostly memes because, with few exceptions, the week was horrible, drab & boring. Plus, I have a Christmas party tonight, beiatches!
It’s a long post, because this is me ignoring the “too long for email’ warning once again. Can’t see it? It’s because you’re not subscribed, ya bunchabitches! Why not? It’s FREE!!!
And now, the Posts:
The Tucker Carlson/Alex Jones interview was THE MUST-WATCH EVENT of the week, far above Vivek chewing the wallpaper at the Republican debate. Just watch V-Ram’s clips and forget the rest. I’d tag him but VivekGRamaswamy is too damn hard to spell! Here’s V-Ram’s best moment (probably):
And a standout moment with Alex Jones:

Yeah, yeah, I’m doubling down on the #NikkiClinton meme. See Dr. Franklin’s quote, above.
Honorable Mention:
And at long last, the Snark:
Follow Doc Contrarian everywhere from his AllMyLinks page, where you can also find his Amazon #1 book Beyond MAGA.