The Week in 5 Posts 2/3
Some new, some recycled from the week just past, all of it eye-popping enough to make this Week’s roundup! Memes, snarky comments, rude gestures, a Dementoid leading the (un)Free World and more!
This week demanded this Meme:
And this week’s ’Best of the Worst’ Posts:
Honorable Mention:

And this week’s Snark commemorates not only Black History Month (because as we know, Black People Invented Everything!) but also the Triumph of Feminism (Gurl Powah FTW!) and Boeing’s deep commitment to DEI (even if a few parts fall off here and there—hey, it’s the Diversity that matters!)
Follow Doc Contrarian everywhere or contact him by email from his AllMyLinks page, where you can also find his Amazon #1 book Beyond MAGA.
Hey Doc! While I may have said this in a previous comment, it bears worth repeating : You ARE the Prince of Snark!
I really enjoyed the last b.s. snark post yesterday of the 2 fat black chiks with wrenches on a blue background entitled Boeing Planes and Shit - DEI - and all the funny links... laughing all the way! 😄 🤣 Trouble is, a very bad thing or three will soon follow suit. And no CEO will claim responsibility or see prison time.
Commenting directly on yesterday's post, in particular of you 'playing devils advocate' posting : You sir are totally correct in your analysis of 'what's worse?' 9-11 or ...? Who did this, why and cui bono? To bookmark this passage because you will revisit it very soon. Kudos and tip of the hat, for framing the whole picture in this manner! Boo-yah!
-G man