The Week in Posts 4/15-4/20
Sickening Uniparty Traitors supporting Ukraine while putting America Last. Yeah, that pretty much sums up the week. Plus Israel, Russia, Torah Jews, Space Lasers, illegals, impeachment, memes & more!
The Meme of the Week commemorates how the Constitution, any semblance of Congress representing America or the American people, the New York protestor, take your pick. They all went up in flames this week. Of course, the world has been on fire for most of the Biden Regime, so that’s nothing new.
Some new, some old; if you want more the week’s Day in Posts are worth a look. Here’s the Posts from the week just past:
And by “free” they mean “paid for by taxpayers”
No warrant. No evidence of a crime. Just trolling your bank account with AI looking for evidence of a crime. 4th Amendment? WHAT 4th Amendment? Oh, well; at least there was a stern letter written “demanding more information.” That’ll show ‘em!
Sadly, this post has now disappeared. Was it too graphic, or because the perp allegedly yelled Allah Akbar as he attacked? 🤔
Forget everything else from all sides about what happened. THIS is the most important video from this weekend. For those of you who live under a rock, the TR3B has long been rumored to be a domestically-produced antigravity craft based on extraterrestrial tech reverse engineered by Americans in skinny ties and pocket protectors and Paperclip Nazis. The tech behind such a craft would shake the global order to its core, make fossil fuels relevant only as chemical industry precursors (and thus put the Middle East very firmly in the ‘who cares?’ category), upend the petrodollar, and potentially give mankind the stars. Is it any wonder our Fearless Leaders & the Cabal who controls them don’t want this to come out? That it may have (I repeat—MAY HAVE) been used to defend Israel is quite telling, isn’t it, sweeties?
Of course they don’t. Their job is just to get the hordes here. Somebody else has to do the registering.
Mike Johnson is just out of frame here. 👆👆
Articles like this are why members of Bibi’s coalition have called for Haaretz (and Israeli newspaper) to be censored for months now.
Why is this interesting? Because Cousin Vlad isn’t going to play around, and he’s about to make fools of the ‘Rules-based Order’ clowns by…following the rules. Ask yourself how many times the US has initiated actions against nations that didn’t follow UN decrees. The ask yourself how many UN decrees Israel has ignored and the US has prevented any action by using the Security Council veto to shield Israel. Guess what? Russia didn’t get a chance to veto the sanctions against them when they started the Special Military Action in Ukraine. Sauce for the goose, indeed!
Link so you can share the seethe with me. It’s crap like this that makes me seriously doubt if the Republic is worth saving at this point.
The Dems can’t rely on their usual voters, so they’re letting them in by the millions.Now do you understand why they couldn’t allow Mayorkas’ impeachment evidence to be heard, sweeties?
Chuckie had a great week! The Constitution and the American people? Not so much.
Watch this video closely. Johnson’s a good actor—like every successful politician—but he can’t keep his true feelings completely hidden. He’s terrified about something, not the Motion to Vacate, and knows large chunks of what he’s spouting are complete lies. Hmmm, I wonder why that is? 🤔
Watch because if true, it would explain a lot.
Link with embedded video. We’ve all known for years now that old Joe isn’t calling the shots. Now we have names and faces, and know who’s really running the country.
Yes, this pic broke the internet
Thread begins here. The comments are quite interesting, especially how a critical link keeps getting taken down. Whatever you do, don’t read this thread while thinking about that RFk Jr said about who killed his dad and uncle, or the Russian Collusion letter signed by 51 IC personnel, or The Sound of Freedom, or Air America, or Iran-Contra, or…well, you get the idea.
Link and it really is graphic. He has since passed away, per the NYPD.
Thread with the pamphlet pics, as well as the Reddit & Substack links—so you don’t have to dig them out. They actually make for interesting reading.
Hart-Celler is something we need to have a long talk about—just not while this Congress is still hanging around.
And one last parting shot for the week’s Snark:
Follow Doc Contrarian everywhere or contact him by email from his AllMyLinks page, where you can also find his Amazon #1 book Beyond MAGA.