The Week in Posts 5/27-6/1
Some old, some new; all from the miserable week just past! WWIII, Fall of the Republic, rigged trials, guilty verdicts, Biden grins, Fix is In, BRICS winning, NeoClowns losing, flu, DEI, Pride, etc
The Meme of the Week needs no explanation. If it does, you’re reading the wrong Substack, sweetie!
The Posts:
Supposedly this is a true anecdote. I want it to be true soooooooo bad!
Watch this from Tuesday. And yes, I called it on Tuesday, as well, with this rant 👇👇
Watch President Trump speak after being found guilty on all 34 counts.
Thread begins HERE.
Link, the full article is HERE (sadly, it’s paywalled)
Link to post, which begins a 7 part thread. Original article HERE. They have awakened the MAGA Dragon!
Watch real Americans talking about our President (spoilers: they love him even more now)
Link to post, original article HERE. See my long commentary on this, and why China will win against our DEI’d military, from Monday’s Day in Posts.
Link to post, and to Telegraph article HERE.
Link to this little bit of info you may have missed in all the other excitement. This will not end well.
Redacted News is all over this issue, from this short about how this is really about resources, to how our Fearless Leaders are psychologically preparing us for WWIII. Highly recommend their YouTube/Rumble channels!
Link or watch the full 30 min interview HERE.
Link. That we know of, anyway. Who knows how many slipped in undetected?
Link. And haven’t I been warning about this very thing, and the pattern of escalation and generalization that’s building, for days and days now?
Yep, a decades-long fustercluck. On Tuesday, I put up a mini rant about it.
Link my response is HERE, or you can find it in yesterday’s Substack
Link to this very unpopular opinion—better look quick before it wanishes. I also have a mini-rant about this being dismissed as a “conspiracy theory” HERE.
Link to post, with MidwesternDoc’s most recent Substack HERE
Seriously? One case and 4.2 million birds have to go? Tamiflu’s been out for ages—isn’t there a chicken version yet? Why not? Add it to their feed, isolate for a week, cull the sick birds, done. Because there’s ZERO risk from properly-cooked chicken per the FDA (I think—one of the Alphabets). And, frankly, if you’re eating chicken tartare, you deserve what you get. No, this smacks to me of an extreme response in service of further weakening our food supply.
And today’s Snark:
Follow Doc Contrarian everywhere or contact him by email from his AllMyLinks page, where you can also find his Amazon #1 book Beyond MAGA.