Just a few things that the Powers That Be would prefer we forget…so of course, I screenshot them to post here.
First, remember this gem from 2021? When people were already taking ivermectin with good results for COVID (just like they’d been taking it for years in Africa for parasites)?
Then again in 2022, the FDA’s message hadn’t changed.
Because if it was approved—or even acknowledged as an effective treatment—Big Pharma wouldn’t have made all those billions on the jabs!

Isn’t it odd—when the jab profits collapsed, FDA finally said yeah, Docs can use a drug they’ve already been using for years.
Or how about all those normal things that the Mockingbird Media tried to link to myocarditis, heart attacks, clots and “died suddenly” episodes? Showers, global warming (of course), and then reading:
And then there was this classic:
Yeah, maybe not.
But at least some of our kids didn’t have to suffer the mask tyranny…but we all had to see things like this:
As opposed to, say, the future Rhodes Scholars & Nobel Laureates from the Baltimore City Schools?
Anyway, that’s all for now. Think of these in a few weeks when the next wave of propaganda hits.
Find me from AllMyLinks, including my book Beyond MAGA.
As usual, the powers that be are out and out idiots.