Trump Executive Order Targets School COVID “Vaccine” Mandates
The jab isn’t a classical vaccine, and the risk/benefit ratio for kids & young adults is awful. Now the President is going to pull federal funding from schools that continue to mandate it. Yay!
Originally published in The Alabama Gazette
President Trump has signed an Executive Order (EO) designed to end COVID “vaccine” mandates in schools and universities. The Order, “Keeping Education Accessible and Ending COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates in Schools,” was signed February 14, 2025.
“That solves that problem,” the President said at the signing.
Here’s the kicker:
“It is the policy of my Administration that discretionary Federal funds should not be used to directly or indirectly support or subsidize an educational service agency, State educational agency, local educational agency, elementary school, secondary school, or institution of higher education that requires students to have received a COVID-19 vaccination to attend any in-person education program.”
Still insist on mandating the jab? No fed bucks for you!
*Cue screaming* from the Usual Suspects—the unhinged Democrats (is there any other kind in DC these days?), the Educrats and the Branch COVIDian cultists.
I’m sure that by close of business Tuesday there’ll be lawsuits filed to stop the EO. It’d be done by Monday, but it’s President's Day. There’ll likely be a judicial hold slapped on it by an unelected District Judge appointed by Obama or Biden, too.
That’s just one more overreaching judge trying to block the President’s agenda who needs to be impeached by Congress. I know there are a few honest-to-God Republicans in the House who are already looking into doing just this. As for the rest of you “Republicans” up there: HINT! HINT!
Some reports had this EO also covering school mask mandates. I’ve been over it several times, and these old eyes don’t see masks mentioned. I wish it did—there’s strong evidence that masks don’t do much, if anything, beneficial, and their adverse effects on young children’s growth and development are significant. (See HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE, if you need more convincing.) Maybe we’ll get another EO about that soon, especially with Fauci’s admission that the whole masking/social distancing crap was basically made up out of thin air.
As for the jab? Those experimental gene therapies that were called vaccines only after the definition of “vaccine” was changed? Those things which we now know are clearly neither safe nor effective? Those things with significant harmful side effects and very little, if any, benefit for children and young adults?
I mean, It’s not like we had all those young guys dropping dead on the football field from “Suddenly” after the jab rolled out, is it? It’s not like that Swiss study showing that 1 out of 35 people who got the jab booster (2.8%) got myocarditis, is it? It’s not like all-cause mortality in the U.S. for ages 25-44 has spiked since 2021, is it?
Oh, wait…. We did, it did, and it has.
Let’s not forget that the absolute risk of death in children from COVID is about 2 per million. That’s data from the UK, which diddled their reporting much less than our CDC did.
If you want a crash course in some of the jab’s side effects, pick up a copy of Naomi Wolf’s “The Pfizer Papers.” Scan the Table of Contents. Pay particular attention to Chapter 4: “Infants and Children Under 12 Given the Pfizer mRNA COVID ‘Vaccine’ Seven Months BEFORE Pediatric Approval. 71% of Adverse Event Cases Classified as Serious,” edited by Barbara Gehrett, MD; Joseph Gehrett, MD; Chris Flowers, MD; and Loree Britt.
If you’re still masked up in the grocery store because you don’t want to catch the RONA…. If you’re still taking your COVID shots and boosters every time the Department of Public Health tells you to…. If you roll up your sleeve like a good little drone….
If you’re an adult and want to do this; fine. Knock yourself out. You be you. Embrace your truth, follow The Science(™) and genuflect before your home shrine to the Blessed Fauci six times a day. I don’t care.
Just don’t expect me to endorse it, because I won’t.
I certainly won’t support forcing kids to take those never-to-be-sufficiently-damned jabs. If your school still wants to mandate them? Have fun doing it without federal money!
And thank you, President Trump, for keeping any more kids from being hurt by the wretched things.
@thehill, @DCExaminer, @freethepeople, @dailymail, @naomirwolf and DrJohnCampgroup were all cited in the above piece.
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