Walz Sexual Abuse Allegations Debunked
Lots of us got suckered, but the Interwebz eviscerated the allegations in short order. Let’s talk about what happened and what we learned from this.
Originally published in The Alabama Gazette
Accusations of sexual abuse of underage men by Democratic Vice Presidential nominee and Minnesota Governor Tim Walz have been debunked and removed from the web.
These accusations first came to light on Saturday, October 12th in a post by @DocNetyoutube on X (formerly known as Twitter). This continued on Wednesday the 16th when a video of an alleged accuser was released by @TheWakening. A number of people, including citizen journalist Ian Carroll (@cancelcloco) and I took these allegations and reported them on other platforms.
Spreading these allegations around turned out to be both good and bad. Good, because it brought them to the attention of the Interwebz, who immediately began tearing into them, looking for evidence to confirm or refute them. Bad, because despite Carroll, myself and most others stating that these were just ALLEGATIONS, we now look like we were complicit in spreading fake news.
I haven’t spoken to Ian Carroll about this, but I’m going to go out on a limb and say that he feels like I do: very unhappy about this. I think he’s a good guy who’s trying to get the truth out there, as am I, and this has made us look like suckers.
Saturday the 19th, Carroll published a video and text wrap-up of the whole sordid affair:
“Final update on the debunked Tim Walz whistleblower.
“Was waiting a day for things to play to conclusion behind the scenes.
“Pretty safe to say it’s all the way debunked as Doc has now deleted his account and run away. Good riddance.
‘Next time I’ll be more careful about sharing the substance of allegations until they’re vetted. But I’m glad I pushed on Doc until he disappeared. So, my bad on that guys.
“If there really is a whistleblower out there- you have my number- we can still vet you through the channels we set up.
“To all the rest of you-
“Reminder that I’m not perfect and learning as I go. Think for yourself, do your own research. Always wait for a story to play out before deciding one way or another.”
It’s posted at https://x.com/cancelcloco/status/1847681697623789771?s=61&t=aYyv3kAAQ2aPqsgKFbnvZw, for your review. He does a good job of explaining what went on between he and DocNetyoutube, his talk with someone who claimed (without proof) to be an accuser, and the subsequent fallout—which has included the deletion of DocNetyoutube’s account as well as every posting of the video I knew about.
So, until and unless an accuser comes forth with verifiable proof of their accusations, it looks like this is a dead story; an elaborate charade intended to generate clicks, views and attention by discrediting a public figure.
Scams like this need to be condemned in the strongest terms, because of their negative effects on honest citizen journalists, their targets, and the populace at large. They’re helpful to no one. None of us have the time to fool with garbage like this.
What have we learned from this? To start, we were reminded that it’s not just the legacy media that will twist stories like a pretzel to suit their own ends—new media, all those citizen journalists using social media and tube platforms to get their content out, will do the same.
We’ve learned to make sure we always, always, always flag these reports as allegations. I know that Carroll and I both did this, but I saw some that didn’t.
We’ve learned that new media is still a work in progress, but it’s showing signs of working like we’d hoped it would. The Interwebz were fast and furious in their analysis of the allegations, and it resulted in this story being debunked and destroyed within a week. There’s a built-in corrective function already working that is far superior to the lapdog ‘fact checkers’ we’ve come to know and loathe.
We’ve learned that there needs to be a better way of addressing the debunking. Just wiping videos and accounts from a platform lends itself to allegations of a coverup, and if you didn’t go looking for it, you wouldn’t have found out the real story here. The U.S. media completely ignored both the accusations and their debunking. What does it say about the legacy media that the best coverage of the debunking I’ve seen thus far was on Al Jazeera? (It’s at https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/10/18/how-an-x-account-pushed-an-unsubstantiated-tim-walz-abuse-allegation, if you care.)
I’d have liked to have seen some kind of official investigation and announcement, with the evidence for the debunking being openly presented. That being said, I know that I personally would look askance at anything this FBI, DoJ, or any Alphabet agency of this Regime said. That many of us have essentially no trust for these agencies is a much deeper issue, and it definitely would have affected this one. Sad and troubling, I know; but it is what it is.
Also, I’ve got to say this: part of the reason these accusations took off was their target, Tim Walz. He’s lied about a lot of things in his past. He’s got a fair number of very questionable things in his past he hasn’t adequately addressed, and frankly, he just gives off a creepy ookie vibe to me. That vibe is no excuse for the fake accusations, but it certainly didn’t lend itself to much skepticism about the allegations.
It also has to be acknowledged that I and others saw this as yet another nail in the coffin of the Harris/Walz campaign. Not that it’s needed at this point, but considering the stakes of this election, it would have been just one more example of why the Democratic ticket doesn’t need to be sworn in come January.
So, is Tim Walz innocent of sexually abusing young boys? As of this writing, yes, because this has not been proven in a court of law, and there are no legitimate accusations of this outstanding at this time. Creepy or not, he enjoys the presumption of innocence, as do we all. At this point in time, he was the victim of false accusations, which thankfully were quickly put to rest.
Should any credible allegations be made in the future, my position will be what it has always been: they should be investigated fully, transparently and as expeditiously as possible. Not just for Tim Walz, or for any public figure, but for all such reasonable and compelling accusations. We owe nothing less to the victims as well as the accused. I say this as someone who’s been involved in these cases on both sides, at various times to support the abused or debunk false accusations and protect the wrongfully accused.
These cases are always horrible and messy, and in this particular case I’m glad to see these allegations against Mr. Walz debunked so quickly. I still don’t think he needs to to be in charge of anything more impactful than an HOA, much less be Veep, but no one deserves to be falsely accused of sexual abuse of a child. Period.
Now I can’t get the image of HOA Tim out of my brain. What a horror he’d be, especially with his psycho-Karen wife beside him! He’d be the guy measuring your shrubbery and mailbox with a tape measure and knocking on your door if either were ¼” out of compliance.
In hindsight, should we have sat on this story until we had definitive proof? Possibly, but when is that ever the case? Remember Tawana Brawley? Tara Reade? The Duke Lacrosse case? Those cases are some of the worst examples of how this kind of story can develop, but they’re far from being the only ones. Our system commonly breaks these stories long before any allegations are proven, and sometimes this leads to false allegations being reported.
Yes, DocNetyoutube’s allegations and TheWakening’s video were almost certainly fake, but they were presented as legitimate. Until they were analyzed by netziens, that was all we had to go on—because there was ZERO coverage of them by the legacy media or interest by law enforcement (as far as we know). Fortunately, they were dealt with in short order, before the Powers That Be bestirred themselves to act. The original goals of the fakers—to get attention and possibly to harm the VP nominee’s credibility before the election—have failed. They were foiled, and any similar attempt between now and November 5th will be looked at askance by all, especially those of us who got burned this time.
The largest potential downside I can see at this point is that real victims might be hesitant to come forward now. Ian Carroll and I may not like being played, but I’m pretty sure we both acted in good faith. We’ll live, wipe the egg off our faces, and learn from this. Hopefully, bona fide victims will watch Carroll’s video (linked above) and pay attention to his advice about exactly how to come forward properly. He put at the end, if that’s all you’re interested in.
And as for DocNetyoutube? One of his last texts to Carroll mentioned that “the Feds are here.”
Yeah, I’m not expecting to hear from him again. Ever.
Follow Doc Contrarian everywhere or contact him by email from his AllMyLinks page, where you can also find his Amazon #1 book Beyond MAGA.
No, it hasn't been debunked; it's been suppressed. The smoking gun is still DocNetyoutube's August 12 post regarding two whistleblowers alleging they were being recruited into Walz's gay alliance even though they were straight, followed 9 days later by the post on gay advocacy website them dot us saying that Gwen and Tim took a young student to an Indigo Girls concert, in an apparent attempt to get in front of the story with their own take. The purportedly deepfake video of another supposed victim is also evidence of attempted well-poisoning by the forces behind Walz. I'm not letting this go.