No, I didn’t watch the SuperBowl yesterday. I was busy doing other things. Braiding my nose hair, polishing my spork collection, stuff like that.
I don’t pay much attention to pro football. If it’s not SEC, I don’t much care, and since we Auburn faithful had very little to care about this last season….
Oh, well, even MeeMaw Ivey realizes that we’re a basketball state now.
Back to the StuporBowl—I’ve been peripherally aware of the controversy around the questionable play-calling in a few of the games leading up to this one. There’s been quite a bit said about the alleged “scripting” by the NFL and the refs to ensure the “right” team(s) made it. People who watched these games told me it was blatantly obvious the Chiefs were this year’s anointed team. I suppose the NFL had their reasons, assuming my friends can trust their lying eyes, but I honestly couldn’t say. Or care any less, the truth be known.
Taylor Swift getting booed was funny. Yep, that clip has already gone viral.
I did check the score at one point, and it was Eagles LOTS, Chiefs NOTHING. Boring.
Has it occurred to anyone but me that the SuperBowl logos may be the only time most people ever see Roman numerals? Do most kids even know what the LIX means? Or has that been removed because of wokism like so many other things?
There was some drama around the halftime show—shockers—when whatshisname the rapper left out some lines directly accusing Drake of being a pedophile. Otherwise, I hear there was very little blatantly satanic imagery this year, so there wasn’t a need to trigger the usual #SatanicPanic.
Oops, spoke too soon. “Satanic” trended late Sunday night, and there are posts and videos up alleging connections to child sex trafficking symbols at the SuperBowl.
As of late Sunday evening, the DOGE commercials we were promised haven't made it up on YouTube yet. The first “Best Commercials” compilations are up, but I won’t watch them until sometime Monday.
Just checked Rumble and X—still no DOGE commercials up. Did they air, or was that just an internet joke?
Oh, well; the pregame Fox interview with President Trump was good, and he’s made history (again) by being the first sitting President to attend. And, so far as I know, there weren’t any major problems around the game, for which we are all thankful.
Snarkiest comment of the night came from Todd Starnes on X: “The #SuperBowl halftime show would've been more entertaining if they had just set up a desk at the 50-yard line and let President Trump sign some more Executive Orders.”
Another SuperBowl is in the history books. Apparently, I didn’t miss much, and I’ll watch the commercials at my leisure in a blissfully football-free environment!
@toddstarnes, @MattWallace888, @MmisterNobody, @robkroese, @jondelarroz, @Shanebugbee, @RealOwenGirard, @foxnews were all cited in the above piece.
Follow Doc Contrarian everywhere or contact him by email from his AllMyLinks page, where you can also find his Amazon #1 book Beyond MAGA.
Not usual more like an advertising contest with a little bit of football thrown in to break up the ads. Well, I am guessing it was that way since I didn't watch it and won't watch it unless my team is playing and that has never happened in 59 years.