The House has now saved us from the horrors of default! Huzzah! All for a paltry $4 trillion more in debt! What a bargain! What statesmanship! Better than anything Trump! The government can keep on keeping on! We should be grateful and happy as we marvel at the wisdom of our glorious leaders!
That’s what we’re being told, at any rate, by the media, the cucked Rs and most Dems. At least the Dems are being honest in their pouting because they didn’t get everything they wanted—just almost everything. Token spending cuts, so the Cuckpublicans can brag about how much they cut. No serious rollbacks in the Green Raw Deal or other Dem wishlist money pits. No improvements in border security, a paltry 3% cut to the (already-expanded) IRS, no slicing into anything resembling the Deep State, no cuts to Brandon’s loan bailouts….
I could go on, but why bother?
I can’t even find a complete list of the final vote (as of this writing). No, I didn’t care enough to watch it on C-Span. What’s the use? Whether 71 or 73 Republicans voted against it, when 100+ Dems came out and supported it that told me all I needed to know.
The final vote list will be out tomorrow, at any rate. I’ve seen how my Rep voted in my local news, the rest will come as they come.
The Senate will, of course, do as they’re told and pass it, and Brandon’s handlers will put it in front of him. The only question at this point is just what bobble he’ll commit at the signing. Not ‘will’ but ‘what’.
Now, the Freedom Caucus has to decide whether or not to call for a motion to vacate the Speaker’s chair. It’s times like these it’s a pity there’s no constitutional provision to replace ‘vacate’ with something a bit more stern, pour encourager les autres. Still, McCarthy’s desperation to be Speaker would no doubt make his dethroning a savage punishment—if it occurs. I have my doubts.
I wouldn’t be surprised if this frank betrayal of the American people—this blatant reminder that ordinary Americans are dead last on our Ruler’s list of priorities—didn’t result in a “tremendous outpouring of cooperation and bipartisanship” (you can hear the media narrative, can’t you?) when several Democrats join with those “good” (i.e., useless Cuckpublicans) to keep McCarthy in the Speakership. And why shouldn’t they?
This debt ceiling bill only proves that Kevin McCarthy is 100% their boy. As if there was ever any doubt….
God help us.
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