YouTube, Big Lies and the 2020 Election
A Friday afternoon blog post drastically changes YouTube’s position on The Narrative
The problem with Big Lies is that the Truth will ultimately come out.
In the past, this wasn’t necessarily so. When only a few people could read, then when only a few publishers controlled what news was allowed to be read, ‘truth’ was a malleable, easily-controlled thing. This was largely true through the time of the Big Three networks she what was said every evening by serious, trusted men was ‘truth’. What little bits of reality that escaped from the fringes of control were quickly discredited as “conspiracy theories”—a term that was created by the CIA to support the Warren Commission;s narrative of the JFK assassination.
Then we got cable tv, Al Gore invented the internet, and all bets were off!
Ever since Election evening 2020, the Official Narrative (i.e. the Big Lie) has been that there was “no evidence” to suggest that anything improper or illegal went on with the ballots or the counting. The election was the “most secure” in history, Biden won, and to say otherwise was crazy talk at best, seditious conspiracy or treason at worst.
Even suggesting that the election might have had a few issues would get you summarily banned from YouTube, as many content creators found out (the hard way). In fact, I’d be hard-pressed to say just which talking point was pushed harder these last two years: “the vaccines are safe and effective” or “the 2020 election was the most secure ever”.
Now both of those narratives have unraveled like a cheap sweater, and the retconning and CYAing that’s already hit the Branch Covidians is about to hit the so-called “election skeptics”. I know this not because new evidence of election fraud has come out—it’s been there all along—but because last Friday YouTube announced a change in their official policy on election “integrity” on their blog:
“We first instituted a provision of our elections misinformation policy focused on the integrity of past US Presidential elections in December 2020, once the states’ safe harbor date for certification had passed. Two years, tens of thousands of video removals, and one election cycle later, we recognized it was time to reevaluate the effects of this policy in today's changed landscape. In the current environment, we find that while removing this content does curb some misinformation, it could also have the unintended effect of curtailing political speech without meaningfully reducing the risk of violence or other real-world harm. With that in mind, and with 2024 campaigns well underway, we will stop removing content that advances false claims that widespread fraud, errors, or glitches occurred in the 2020 and other past US Presidential elections. This goes into effect today, Friday, June 2. As with any update to our policies, we carefully deliberated this change.” (Emphasis added)
Well, well, well. Fancy that! And announced on a Friday afternoon, , as a blog post, too—the absolute best time and place to bury an embarrassing bit of news. Can it be the Big Tech has seen the writing on the wall? Or did Brandon’s ‘fall down, go BOOM’ moment at the Air Force graduation have anything to do with YouTube backing away from defending the Resident of the Oval Office so strenuously? After all, treason has no statute of limitations….
It’s not like we haven’t know what went on in the 2020 election since that evening. Broadcasting numbers that showed votes being dropped from Trump’s totals in real time? Throwing out poll watchers and taping over windows to prevent Republicans from watching the count? Stopping the count, then immediately finding pallets of Biden votes? Videos showing cases of votes being scanned multiple times? If this wasn’t evidence of fraud on a mass scale, then what, pray tell, was it?
The people who orchestrated and carried out the 2020 election steal were so flush with themselves and so confident their partners in the media would cover up what happened, it was only a matter of time before somebody bragged about what happened. That it took just four months was a bit of a surprise, but when you’ve stolen the Presidency, who can stop you? As I discussed in Chapter 4 of Beyond MAGA:
In February 2021, Mary Ball wrote in Time magazine about the coordinated efforts against President Trump in the 2020 election:
“There was a conspiracy unfolding behind the scenes, one that both curtailed the protests and coordinated the resistance from CEOs. Both surprises were the result of an informal alliance between left-wing activists and business titans. The pact was formalized in a terse, little-noticed joint statement of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and AFL-CIO published on Election Day. Both sides would come to see it as a sort of implicit bargain–inspired by the summer’s massive, sometimes destructive racial-justice protests–in which the forces of labor came together with the forces of capital to keep the peace and oppose Trump’s assault on democracy.
“The handshake between business and labor was just one component of a vast, cross-partisan campaign to protect the election–an extraordinary shadow effort dedicated not to winning the vote but to ensuring it would be free and fair, credible and uncorrupted.” (sic)
In the topsy-turvy world of Leftist rhetoric, “to protect the election” and “ensuring it would be free and fair, credible and uncorrupted” meant that the wrong person—Donald J. Trump—was not declared the winner, regardless of the number of legal votes that might have been cast for him.
Again, in Ms. Ball’s words, what happened in 2020 was:
“...a well-funded cabal of powerful people, ranging across industries and ideologies, working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information. They were not rigging the election; they were fortifying it.” (Emphasis added)
This Cabal was “fortifying” the election against the possibility that the people of America might vote to keep Donald Trump as President. Why would the Cabal do this? Because, as Hillary Clinton said, “We just can’t trust the American people to make those types of choices”. In the minds of the Elites, the American people had made the wrong choice in 2016 when they rejected Her pre-ordained ascension to the Presidency. By defying the wishes of the Cabal in 2016, the American people proved themselves incapable of making the “right” choice. Thus, the need to “fortify” the election against another “wrong” choice by those Deplorables in the red hats.
Of course, as we know, the “fortification” worked. The will of the American people was ignored to insure their “wrong” choice was NOT allowed to continue in office for a second consecutive term.
Unfortunately for the Cabal, their efforts weren’t as well-concealed as they would have liked. Despite the best efforts of those who conspired to ”fortify” the 2020 election, as well as those who aided and abetted their efforts, more than half of likely American voters believe there was active cheating involved in the 2020 elections. This includes 30 percent of Democrats, 51 percent of unaffiliated voters, and 75 percent of Republicans in this particular poll.
Two and a half years later, the truth about the 2020 election can’t be denied any longer. In Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania and elsewhere, the stench of ongoing electoral corruption is too odious to ignore.
YouTube’s change is policy is just one more crack in the official Narrative, but it may not be enough to save the platform from the legal firestorm that may descend on them. It’s already cost them traffic and allowed competitors like Rumble to grow by leaps and bounds. If civil suits for damages, either individually or class-action, from demonetized/deplatformed creators hit YouTube, its parent Alphabet could face serious losses. And since juries awarding those damages, like all the rest of us, have been seriously hurt by Biden’s rotten economy?
There’s a phrase I learned years ago from an attorney, about cases where you don’t dare go to trial because you’re going to lose, and its best to cut your losses and pay up: Get Out The Checkbook. GOTC.
Alphabet’s GOTC financial pain aside, there’s another, deeper issue lurking here, that we may finally see spoken about openly on YouTube: what to do about a stolen election? Specifically, the stolen Presidential election of 2020?
I have a few thoughts on this, but this piece is too long as it is. Best to save that for another day. In the meantime, I’ll leave you with this: historically, usurpation of the Executive (the Crown) has been considered treason, the penalty for which has been quite severe.
Is fraud on the level of the 2020 Presidential election enough to be considered a usurpation of the Presidency? If so…then what? How will it be made right? Who will pay the penalty? Most important of all, how do we keep it from ever happening again?
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I would still never trust google's child, U-tube. A flick of some algorithm switch and it all goes back to major censorship. In 2024, joey will get 100 million votes and there's nothing anyone can do about it. This is why U-tube changed tactics...they know nothing can be done to stop the voting fraud. The repubs and rinos are too spineless and the courts to scared or bought off. U-tube just wants more eyeballs on their site.