The way that I read the story on the AL Dem delegate candidates is that 81 of 115 duly qualified candidates were disqualified by the DNC, meaning they weren't even allowed to be on the ballot. I could be wrong, but that was what I remember when I read the story. Either way, the Biden admin didn't give BLM a seat at the table after the entered the White House. BLM was ghosted. Maybe they will go and join the Bernie bros and stay home in 2024. I feel like Kamala is having a honeymoon high, and things go downhill from here. The biggest sign of desperation is the NYTimes telling it's readers that Kamala's laughter is an asset.

The recent NYTimes/Siena poll age distribution was interesting.

Boomers - Trump +2

Gen X - Trump + 9

Millennials - Trump + 1

Gen Z - Trump -18

So almost if not all of Kamala's 'surge' can be attributed to Gen Z happy for a Dem candidate who doesn't wear diapers.

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Most of Kamala’s “popularity” is from massaged polls and all the free media attention she’s getting. I’m pretty sure the lousy turnout at her rallies is a better indication of her true popularity.

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He should have shoved it you know where.

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