The Day in Posts 4/15
Pure Evil Monday with The IRS, Tax Day, The FBI, Election Interference, Klaus Schwab, Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel stabbed, Iran, Israel, TR3B, FISA, corruption, bias, WHO, the Jab, memes, snark & more!
The Meme of the Day comes to us from @AlfredENewmemes. If you don’t know who Alfred E. Newman is, you’re too young to be reading this.
The Top 5 Posts:
No warrant. No evidence of a crime. Just trolling your bank account with AI looking for evidence of a crime. 4th Amendment? WHAT 4th Amendment? Oh, well; at least there was a stern letter written “demanding more information.” That’ll show ‘em!
I thought Joe told them not to do this?
Watch it HERE, but be aware it is very graphic. There’s also a video below of a crowd outside shortly after this happened demanding the perp be brought out.
Great news, but…does anybody trust the FBI anymore, to do anything other than Follow Biden’s Instructions? Im old enough to remember when we could trust the FBI. Yeah, I’m really old.
Honorable Mention, with the usual catch-up posts from the weekend:
Watch this great 6:35 clip on the dumpster fire that is the government’s tax & spend madness. They even mention Simpson-Bowles, which might have fixed a large part of this mess during the Obama administration but…the can was kicked. Now that can is about to go sailing off a cliff, and no one has confidence in this (or any other) corrupt, compromised Congress to stop the out of control spending. If you don’t click on any other link in this ‘stack, click on this one.
Chip Roy’s been on a roll lately
The weekend’s excitement in brief
Oh, I feel sooooooo much safer now! Don’t you?
Forget everything else from all sides about what happened. THIS is the most important video from this weekend. For those of you who live under a rock, the TR3B has long been rumored to be a domestically-produced antigravity craft based on extraterrestrial tech reverse engineered by Americans in skinny ties and pocket protectors and Paperclip Nazis. The tech behind such a craft would shake the global order to its core, make fossil fuels relevant only as chemical industry precursors (and thus put the Middle East very firmly in the ‘who cares?’ category), upend the petrodollar, and potentially give mankind the stars. Is it any wonder our Fearless Leaders & the Cabal who controls them don’t want this to come out? That it may have (I repeat—MAY HAVE) been used to defend Israel is quite telling, isn’t it, sweeties?
Who else thinks Zelenskyy needs to be told to GFY? Him and little NeoClowns, too!
Watch, in case you’ve forgotten
Don’t hold your breath on that impeachment hearing…
Link so you can watch Vivek bring it!
It’s almost like it was all planned out in advance…🤔
Sounds good to me! Just follow The Protocol that The Science has given us!
Link so all you useless eaters can see this post
Link so you can watch the embedded video. You need to see it.
Well, well, well! Guess who’s a Rothschild on his momma’s side? Now do you understand, sweeties?
Link to the above post, and to my Substack on Dr. Walker’s horrible, awful no good date.
This is generating lots of handwringing, but no k e’s come up with a better solution that I’ve seen.
And the Snarkiest meme I’ve seen in a while:
Follow Doc Contrarian everywhere or contact him by email from his AllMyLinks page, where you can also find his Amazon #1 book Beyond MAGA.