Veritas, Pfizer and the Worst Date of The Year
Project Veritas broke the internet with a bombshell video from a Pfizer R&D Director
Years ago, when Artificial Intelligence was just becoming a thing, I read an article about an early conversational AI. The article gave examples of some of the questions the AI was asked and the responses it gave. It was about what you’d expect from that kind of article, focusing on the tremendous potential of AI, with a few oddball questions thrown in to keep readers interested.
The only question I remember was along the lines of “what are some ways to take over the world”. The answer went something like this:
Create a highly lethal plague
Create a cure for, or a vaccine against, your plague
Threaten to release the plague unless you’re declared King of the World
Many years ago, in my misspent youth, I dabbled in molecular genetics and genetic engineering, which is how you would go about created your Monster Plague(TM). Of all the answers, that one seemed to be the most “realistic," i.e., practical, of what the AI suggested, which is probably why it stuck in my mind.
My recollections of the other paths to global domination are vague at best. I think one required you to somehow obtain a set of nuclear launch codes, or something similar. That’s almost too difficult to contemplate, at least for me. But creating a plague and a cure/vaccine for it? Technically not terribly complicated, could be done relatively cheaply, and uses readily available, off the shelf tech, if—and this is a fairly large ‘if’—you have the background and resources to do it. Yeah, that could actually work.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s not something your average Antifa or BLM “mostly peaceful protestor” would be able to do in their bathtub over a three day weekend. It’d take at least a few million in basic equipment (ultracentrifuge rotors milled out of large blocks of titanium aren’t cheap, and neither are the ultracentrifuges that spin them), a few more millions for supplies, a few good techs who’d keep their mouths shut, and a front company to give you a reason to have all those things in the first place. Still, it’s nothing a truly motivated syndicate or cartel couldn’t pull off with a little effort and the right people running it.
And before you start messaging me, NO. I’m not interested. I’m too old and contrary, and it’s been too many years since I did that kind of thing. I wouldn’t take on a new project like that without more zeros on the check than you can afford. Don’t bother asking. Go on, scram. Global Domination would be too much of a pain, anyway. You’d never have a moments peace, what with all the people whining to get you to solve all their problems for them. Thank you, no. Now go away, boys, ya bother me.
This is the kind of thing bio-science grad students argue about over cheap beer during late night bull sessions. Do you make a bacteria or a virus? Do you go for a treatment or cure—probably the most challenging part, if you’ve made the bug nasty enough—or do you create a virus and then make a killed virus or live-attenuated vaccine? Both types of vaccine are old, established tech, but you run the risk of somebody developing their own vaccine if you don’t move quickly enough. If that happens, they get to play King if the World while you get nada. That’s if you’re lucky and don’t get caught, or worse.
So, with that bit of background, you can probably guess what I flashed back to Wednesday evening when I saw the Project Veritas hidden camera video with a Pfizer R&D Director, Dr. Jordon Trishton Walker, talking about “directed evolution” of the COVID virus “so we could preemptively develop new vaccines” because the Pfizer jabs have been a “cash cow”. It’s not Gain of Function, it’s “Directed Evolution”—but yeah, it’s really GoF. *wink, wink* And regulators? Oh, they’ll “take it easy” on Pfizer because they want jobs with the company in the future, so no worries.
You know those times when your brain makes the sound of a needle scratching across a record? It was that kind of moment for me during all of the video. Nine minutes, fifty-eight seconds of mental SKKKKKRRSSTCH. Serially infecting monkeys in cages, looking for more potent strains? Yeah, that’d be one way to do it. Making selected structural mutations to make it more potent? Sure, why not, when you’re trying to get ahead of a fast-mutating virus? RNA work is a pain; it’s much more difficult than DNA work (for Reasons), but it’s certainly feasible. Does Pfizer have the resources, material and personnel to do it? If anybody on the planet does, they do. But would they? Because, as the man says, “no one wants to have a Pharma company mutating f*cking viruses.”
No sh*t, Sherlock.
After all, “I suspect (this) is the way that the virus started in Wuhan, to be honest. Like, it makes no sense that it just popped up out of nowhere.”
No worries? Really? Are you sure about that?
Then again, this is the company that wanted their jab data sealed away for 75 years. We’re just now learning how they cherry-picked, skewed or ignored select parts of the testing data, lobbied the White House and worked with Twitter to suppress information detrimental to the Narrative that their jabs were “safe and effective”—as I’ve written about before.
I’ve been calling for answers about “What did Pfizer know and when did they know it?”
Now it seems like I need to add another question:
Just what is Pfizer doing, and why are they doing it?
They have the method. They have the motive—see “cash cow”c above, and their profits the last few quarters from taxpayer-funded sales of their jab. They certainly appear to have the opportunity, based on this Veritas video.
Thursday night the plot thickened. Project Veritas posted a follow-up video where James O’Keefe met with Dr. Walker to ask him about his previous remarks. Needless to say, Dr. Walker was NOT amused. Quite the opposite, in fact.
I won’t go through the second video in detail, because you really do need to invest another 9:58 of your life to see it for yourself if you haven’t already. Yes, both videos really are that important, if for no other reason than they well and truly broke the internet. For some strange reason (sarcasm!), while the internet was exploding, Google shut down searches on the topic, Pfizer turned off comments on their Twitter feed and Big Media looked the other way.
In all fairness to the Dr. Walker, on the video he realizes what’s happened very quickly. He’s bright enough to realize that his job, his professional career, and his personal, private life are about to be shredded and thrown into a raging dumpster inferno. You can see the despair, fear, shame and desperation in his actions. That doesn’t totally excuse him, but can any of us say we would do better under similar circumstances?
As Surak said, “The cause was more than sufficient.”
What he talks about on the first video is chillingly horrific. He paints a picture of a corporate entity that has completely abandoned any sense of moral or ethical behavior in favor of milking the COVID cash cow for every last drop of profit possible—and then mutating the cow for another few gallons. That’s disturbing, to say the least.
But, is it true? Or, as he says, “I’m a f*icking liar” who was trying to impress a date. I don’t know whether this it true or not. I’m inclined not to believe this denial due to circumstances and his level of upset. It should be noticed that there appears to be a cocktail present in the first video, and his manner does suggest the possibility of him having had one or two before the footage we’ve seen. Project Veritas may have footage that shows him drinking, and how much, if it becomes an issue.
So, a few drinks and a bit of grandiosity to impress a date? I certainly don’t want to live in a country that criminalizes behavior like that. And, I suspect that Pfizer’s PR staff will try to push that angle while they shred, wipe, erase and bleach like mad provide evidence that what he describes has never been done by them, at all. If it was ever discussed in staff meetings, it was not at all like that. He obviously completely misunderstood and/or confabulated during his dinner encounter—that’ll be the official line when the investigations get underway.
I do feel for the man. He’ll be lucky if Pfizer just fires him instead of shoving him into a small cage between two other experimental animals—probably in either the Explosive-Anal-Eruption-Ebola or Flaming-Death-COVID-Omega-666 room.
Jordon Walker is a shoe-in for the “Worst Date of 2023” award now. It really does suck to be him, and will for some time to come. He’ll probably delete Grindr from his phone, too.
Still, the things he talked about so glibly have to be investigated throughly. Pfizer’s questionable actions these past couple of years give credence to what he said, cocktails and date-impressing dialogue notwithstanding.
Of course, Pfizer is going to deny, Deny, DENY while they’re throwing him under the bus…and the train…and the Zamboni. In fact, the denying has already started. Friday evening, Pfizer released a statement about the “allegations.” It’s exactly what you’d expect—a bland, blanket denial of any wrongdoing followed by an even more bland, technical jargon-heavy bit to justify research like Dr. Walker described on his horrible, awful, no-good date. Three paragraphs to “set the record straight”, we didn’t do anything wrong, we’re doing some things because, you know, we have to, everybody else does it, we’re working hard on other things (distraction comes in at paragraph 3), then one last paragraph to sum it up with “Fact-based information rooted in sound science is vitally important” blah blah blah “Pfizer remains committed” blah blah “helping alleviate”….
And then, reams of package insert and regulatory crap that’s meant to bore you so much that you ignore it. Not one word about Dr. Walker, or Project Veritas, the broken internet or the media ignoring the incident. As an example of ‘how to write a crisis press release,' it’s one of the best I’ve seen in a long time. It’s exactly what I expected to see, and by releasing it at 8:00 PM EST on Friday, Pfizer’s PR people can now say the company has responded—but at the perfect time to make sure as few people as possible saw it.
Kids, take note: if you ever have to make a statement that you REALLY don’t want to make—release it at 8:00 PM on a Friday.
As of this writing, Dr. Walker’s status is unknown. I’m not sure if anyone’s heard from him since Thursday, but apparently his scrubbing from the web is well underway. When Pfizer fires him—and really, how can they not? He’s already proven that he’s a corporate security risk—it will probably be done quietly. More spectacle at this point, Pfizer really doesn’t want or need. That being said, how Pfizer treats this young man can NOT be allowed to hide their corporate shenanigans. Lofty title or not, he’s just one man, and any kind of “Directed Evolution” project would involve lots of people both below and above him.
There will be a money trail to follow, if for no other reason than research monkeys don’t come cheap. There will be proposals, protocols, purchase orders and progress reports—or at least there should be, if it’s real and they all haven’t been shredded or wiped from the drives and cloud.
In all fairness to all parties, this may turn out to be a big nothingburger. It may be nothing more than a young man working a little too hard to impress a date, with his lips loosened a bit by a few too many cocktails. The research that he describes, while scary to the layman, is not that unreasonable if your goal is to stop a pandemic caused by a rapidly mutating virus like any of the Coronaviridae—IF it’s done under proper isolation protocols. Pfizer’s presser does address this, and if this was the only case “of interest” out of Pfizer over the last few years, I’d be inclined to dismiss it as such and go on.
Since that is not the case, it has to be taken seriously and throughly investigated. In vino veritas doesn’t just apply to wine.
Given the situation, young Dr. Walker may need to be taken into protective custody, to secure his information and prevent him from coming down with a bad case of Died Suddenly. We can only hope that wherever he is, he’s safe and with people who will support him.
Meanwhile, Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) has already sent a letter to Albert Bourla, the President and CEO of Pfizer asking a number of questions about Pfizer’s activities in this area. It will be interesting to see the response, if any, he receives. Odds are, it’ll be a near-carbon copy of the Friday evening press release.
More importantly, this information, tainted though it may be, needs to be folded into the House COVID Subcommittee’s investigation into the origins of the virus and the handling of the pandemic. There are a number of questions that Pfizer, as well as Moderna, the CDC, the FDA, Dr. Fauci and many others must answer. While we already knew it was a problem, hearing this Pfizer Director talk about how regulators would “take it easy” on the company because they want jobs with the company in the future was all the more jarring. It’s possible that Dr. Walker has much more information to divulge about more than just Pfizer’s alleged directed evolution experiments. If it takes some form of immunity for him to spill that to Congress, so be it.
The intertwined, corrupt relationships between Big Pharma and the GovHealth alphabets that regulate and fund them must be investigated, exposed, unwound and severed. The revolving door between agencies and corporations overseen by those agencies must be spiked. Big Pharma’s coercion of and cooperation with Big Tech to suppress information unfavorable to the profits of both cannot be allowed to continue or go unpunished. The misuse and misrepresentation of data that presented a false image of jab safety has to be uncovered, revealed and penalized appropriately.
This is a task of Herculean proportions, but Congress must not fail in it. Too many lives have been lost, damaged or destroyed for that to happen. I suspect the House COVID subcommittee won’t be the only one involved in detangling this mess. Oversight, Weaponization and who knows what others will ultimately be dragged (or willingly step into) this steaming pile of excrement.
When all is said and done, this young man’s braggadocio may well be just the shock Congress needs to turn away from Big Pharma’s money and influence and find out just what was done to us, and what they might be planning to do to us in the future.
If that happens, then this country will owe him a tremendous debt. But, in the meantime?
Dude. REALLY sucks to be you.
As a final thought, I’m almost tempted to ask ChatGPT “what are some ways to take over the world”? I’m afraid the #1 answer will be something like:
Become head of a major Pharma company
Create a highly lethal plague…
I think I’ll give that one a pass.
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Background research on Dr. Jordon Trishton Walker from Investigate Everything with Brian O’Shea, Highly recommend!