The political debates have become useless since everything these days is based on political crappola. You can't spend a day living as a human without offending some schumk.

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True. The trick is to carefully pick who you offend, how, and why. Then video it for social media, in case they really go off and it goes viral.

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I don't plan on watching the debates either.

I've never heard of National Conservatism. Imho, George W Bush ruined the Conservative label for 2 generations, and it's still not ready for primetime appeal. It will take another 15 years to be viable, and it will never be viable with intellectuals who still praise the original American Marxist, Abraham Lincoln. I'm extremely biased and would call myself either paleo-conservative or paleo-libertarian. The people who were warning of Marxist subversives infiltrating our country back in the 40s (and never giving up) came from these 2 ideological groups, thinkers and researchers from the John Birch Society like G Edward Griffin and others like Pat Buchanan. It's likely not a coincidence the "Birther" label rhymes with "Bircher". Buckley won the debate back then, but he was wrong and it took 50 years for the masses to figure it out.

In today's world, Trump doesn't need intellectuals writing books about the principles of MAGA, when he and his influencers can appeal to the masses directly. MAGA is a populist movement, and it's not hard to figure out what left and right populist movements want

- end the surveillance state

- end foreign interventionism

- end Corporate welfare and cronyism

- end state sponsored propaganda directed at the American people

Trump has spoken to these 4 issues enough that Americans believe he has these goals, and they are appealing to almost every American outside of the political elite. If Trump could accomplish or start the process of accomplishing these 4 goals, then he could work on other issues.

I call them Cultural Marxists instead of neo-Marxists, but they've taken over every pillar of American society, including the Theological Seminaries. Dismantling them isn't an option, so "dilution is the solution to pollution". States and communities are going to have to create new institutions to replace the old ones from schools to hospitals. It's already happening.

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Trump’s ability to speak to the common American is why he’s such a pivotal figure in our politics today. The great pity is that he didn’t have two consecutive terms to address the nation’s ills.

At some point—hopefully far in the future—DJT won’t be here to lead us. My hope is that the MAGA Movement will still be around and kicking long after that.

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I ceased watching these years ago. Most of the time it was a gotcha game. Better to use one’s time researching & reading about the candidates. Especially their positions & beliefs before they entered the ring.

Thanks, Doc, for this thoughtful, reasoned, & important Substack. Food for thought & action. Those questions should be asked about any “public servant” or proposed bill, agency action, etc.

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You’re most welcome! Completely agree we all need to do our homework about the candidates, especially what they’ve done before. Past behavior is the surest predictor of future behavior.

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