So many bureaucratic goobermint agencies are so corrupt and rotten, they must be killed off altogether - and few next to almost none brought back to life.
The rot and corruption for nearly every government agency is unconscionable. It would take decades to fix this if even it could be fixed. The entire government needs a blow-up and remake, although it will just end up with the same poisons as human nature will never change.
Doc, you are so right again:
So many bureaucratic goobermint agencies are so corrupt and rotten, they must be killed off altogether - and few next to almost none brought back to life.
True! The tree of liberty is being choked by the weeds of bureaucracy and corruption.
The rot and corruption for nearly every government agency is unconscionable. It would take decades to fix this if even it could be fixed. The entire government needs a blow-up and remake, although it will just end up with the same poisons as human nature will never change.
I’m afraid you’re correct. Trump won’t be able to save us—the Resistance is already forming up against him.